Olmsted County Public Safety Training Center
The Olmsted County Public Safety Training Center (PSTC) is located in Rochester, Minnesota, the county's largest city and the third-largest city in the state. The Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office manages and operates the facility.
Amenities include:
- 50-yard and 200-yard firearm ranges capable of handling calibers ranging from .22 to .308.
- A 36x48' defensive tactics mat room.
- Multi-use classroom space that can accommodate up to 242 students.
- A Tactical/Live-Burn Tower for hands-on training.
- A Class A burn box for controlled fire scenarios.
- A driving track for emergency vehicle operations training, which includes a skid pad for vehicle maneuvering.

50-Yard Range
This range is 20 lanes wide capable of conducting high-capacity basic weapons training and qualifications. However, at 100 feet wide, this range is versatile enough to set up multiple advanced shooting courses for individual or team training so personnel can be exposed to multiple shooting angles, positions, and live-fire scenario training while on the move.
The Meggitt GranTrap bullet trap will capture anything from .22 caliber handgun rounds all the way up to and including .308 caliber rifle rounds. The range perimeter sides are guarded by Hesco barriers the entire length of the range and will stop bullets from exiting the range should a shooter’s angle to the bullet trap be compromised at any point during a course of fire.

200-Yard Range
This range is five lanes wide and capable of conducting basic and advanced weapons training and qualifications.
With 200 yards of distance, a Meggitt GranTrap and a separate steel target sand trap, this range is extremely versatile for advance and withdraw courses of fire.

Defensive Tactics Mat Room
The mat room is a 36 x 48 foot training area complete with padded walls that allows for a variety of defensive tactics training and skill building.

Multi-use Classroom Space
Multi-use classroom space that allows for up to 242 students and is subdividable into 4 smaller classrooms.
Fully divided, the space allows for two 35-person classrooms and two 86-person classrooms with their own multi-media presentation capabilities and dry-erase boards.

Tactical/Live-Burn Tower
4-story multi-use training structure. This tower can be utilized by multiple public safety disciplines.
For law enforcement training, the tower can be used for:
- Scenario-based training including the use of simmunition/NLTA.
- Low-light training.
- Building clearing.
- Gas mask training.
- Cell block entry and cell extraction.
For the firefighting side the tower can be used for:
- Water-based smoke can be pumped into any or all rooms to simulate signs of fire.
- There are two Class B (propane) gas burners inside on the second level of the tower featuring multiple mock-ups for different scenarios and rollover and flashover burners to add to the realism of training.
- In addition to live-burn operations training at the tower, firefighters can experience search and rescue, ladder operations, ventilation operations, ropes courses and forcible entry.

Class A Burn Box
Even with the state-of-the-art Burn Tower about 100 feet away, it is imperative for firefighters to experience live-burn training with materials that create real, hot and black smoke. Rather than soot up the Burn Tower and limit its use for other public safety agencies, the Burn Box was created specifically for firefighter training.
Fire Trainers can create different fire animals and direct the flames and smoke by opening different ventilation points so that new and veteran firefighters alike get real world experience before they need it.

Emergency Operations Track
The track provides ample space for ambulance, fire truck and law enforcement vehicle operations training.
Our track includes the following features:
- Perimeter figure-eight roadway that allows vehicle speeds to get to highway speeds for short distances.
- It boasts a pad large enough for multiple precision driving and evasive maneuver exercises.
- Separate, large skid pad for dedicated vehicle control exercises.