The Chester Heights Sewer District Advisory Board counsels the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners on operational and financial matters concerning the Chester Heights Sewer District.
The Dodge & Olmsted (D&O) Joint Powers Board establishes the rights, obligations, terms, and conditions under which the participating counties of D&O desire to have delivery of correctional services provided by the D&O Community Corrections program.
The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority is governed by a Board of Commissioners that consists of seven elected commissioners and one resident commissioner.
Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E.) community council
The Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E.) community council aims to foster meaningful connections and cultivate trust between our community and local government.
The Board of Commissioners are elected officials that represent Olmsted County residents. Commissioners enact local ordinances, approve budgets, and provide leadership and direction to the County.
OJCC is committed to providing the coordinated leadership necessary to establish cohesive public policies that are based on research, evaluation, and monitoring of policy decisions and program implementations.
The mission of Olmsted County Parks Commission is to make recommendations for public County land based on the preservation, quality, and safe environment for proposed or established parks or recreational areas for Olmsted County.
The Planning Commission is to provide advice and recommendations to the Olmsted County Board on issues related to land use, transportation, zoning, public improvements, and land development.
The Public Health Services Advisory Board acts as a community-based advisory board for both Public Health and the County Health Board on emerging and ongoing public health topics.
The Olmsted County Regional Railroad Authority (OCRRA), in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), is continuing the evaluation of a high-speed passenger rail connection between Rochester and the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.
The Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments (ROCOG) was established in November 1971 to provide comprehensive planning services to member local government units.
The Board is responsible for hearing and deciding any appeals from a decision or interpretation of the Zoning Administrator with regards to the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners are elected officials that represent Olmsted County residents. Commissioners enact local ordinances, approve budgets, and provide leadership and direction to the county. Olmsted County has seven commissioners, each representing their county district.