Olmsted County boards, commissions, and community leaders who serve on them
The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners are elected officials that represent Olmsted County residents. Commissioners enact local ordinances, approve budgets, and provide leadership and direction to the county. Olmsted County has seven commissioners, each representing their county district.
Public participation in county meetings
There are multiple ways residents, and the media may participate in public county meetings. Visit the Olmsted County PrimeGov site which has public meeting information including dates, agendas, and packets provided. Each meeting agenda should have details about where the meeting is located (for joining in person) as well as a video link (for those who wish to join virtually). The public is invited to give comments toward the beginning of the meeting. See the Public Comment Rules of Decorum.
If you have any questions or would like more information about a meeting, please contact County Administration at 507-328-6001. If you are having difficulty accessing materials in board packets or require that documentation in a different format, please contact InternalServicesSupport@olmstedcounty.gov.
Volunteer opportunities
To view volunteer opportunities with county boards and commissions, visit the volunteer opportunities page.
Board of Commissioners' contact information
Contact information for the board of commissioners can be found on the right side of the page if accessing from a desktop or at by scrolling to the bottom if accessing from a mobile device.
Click on a link below to view each commissioner's profile.
- Laurel Podulke-Smith
- David Senjem
- Gregg Wright
- Brian Mueller
- Michelle Rossman
- Mark Thein
- Bob Hopkins
Operating rules and guidelines of the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners
Reference the document above for details about the county board organization, types of county board meetings, rules of procedure, rules of debate, their code of ethics, and much more.
Find your election districts and representatives!
Our Election District Finder tool makes it easy to determine your Olmsted County district as well as the county commissioner that represents your district -- just by typing in your address. Through this tool, you can also find your polling place and precinct, wards (for City of Rochester residents), school district information, legislative district information, and congressional district information.