Parks Commission
The Olmsted County Parks Commission is appointed by the county board. The mission of Olmsted County Parks Commission is to make recommendations for public county land based on the preservation, quality, and safe environment for proposed or established parks or recreational areas for Olmsted County.
Parks Commission meetings are held the first Tuesday of every other month at 5:30 p.m. The meeting location changes from month to month between county parks and offices and is specified on the agenda.
Parks Commission values
Agendas and minutes
Parks Commission members
The following statements reflect Olmsted County Park Commissioners and citizen volunteers’ priority values for guiding decisions relating to current and future county park development. The Olmsted County Park Commissioners recommend that these values be taken into consideration as priorities wherever appropriate. Specific values for current parks are detailed separately.
- Prioritize outcome-based planning to improve natural resources, including consideration of those listed by State and /or Federal agencies, when found to be of significant value.
- Prioritize preservation of viewshed areas surrounding OC parks when making zoning and land purchase recommendations and decisions.
- Prioritize acquisition of properties with special natural resources or historically significant structures.
- Provide opportunities for people of all abilities and ethnicities to get outdoors and interact in sustainable ways with nature.
- Place high value on preserving historical aspects of buildings and other features.
- Balance broad community interests and uses with requests for specialized uses.
- Plan corridors to connect to other natural resources in the area.
- Maintain adequate staffing levels and quality employment, volunteer and community service opportunities at OC parks.
- Support current revenue sources and strategically consider future revenue sources.
- Promote and maintain current county park unique features, resources and dedicated missions.
- Sustain and develop collaborative relationships with other local and regional agencies.
- Encourage a strategy of concentrating infrastructure development within an area limited to no more than 20% of total OC park acreage.
- When acquiring new public land, consider acquisition of properties that would create access to current parks where feasible.
- Develop collaborative arrangements with local recreation groups to seek, acquire, develop and maintain appropriate properties for specialized uses.
- Continue to use projected population figures to drive planning for future park needs and purchases.
For the full planning guidelines and values document, please email public works at