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Mobilizing Olmsted Voices for Equity (M.O.V.E.) community council application

Olmsted County M.O.V.E. utilizes a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens to proactively inform, advise, and advocate for the needs of community while providing an opportunity for their voices to be considered within the county decision-making processes. 

M.O.V.E members serve a two- or three-year staggered term. During which, members will work to identify pressing concerns amongst community members through community engagement, which may include surveys, listening sessions, or other meetings. Members are expected to represent their communities and report out on activities and progress during meetings. Regular meeting attendance is expected.

We understand that this is a big commitment, and we hope to engage community members that will commit fully to serving their communities in this way.

Personal information
Please indicate your identities below by selecting all that apply.  We recognize and embrace that the list of identities below may not capture all identity descriptors used within community. For any identities not listed, space has been provided at the end.  Identity is personal, and this list is not intended to be exhaustive or complete. If you are not interested in representing a specific community, do not check next to the category.