Contact & about information
The Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority is governed by a board of commissioners that meets monthly. The director of housing oversees the daily operations of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and directs its staff.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
- Phone: 507-328-7150
- Email: olmstedhra@olmstedcounty.gov
OCHRA Board of Commissioners
Olmsted County Housing & Redevelopment Authority (OCHRA) Board is comprised of eight members; the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners (7) and a Resident Commissioner (1).
Brian Mueller
Laurel Podulke-Smith
Gregg Wright
Bob Hopkins
Dave Senjem
Mark Thein- 2025 HRA Board Chair
Michelle Rossman
- Tania Rhiger (Resident Commissioner)
Agendas and packets
Visit the upcoming meetings page to view meeting agendas and packets.
Housing Staff
Name / Title | Contact |
Dave Dunn Housing Director |
Mark Engel Housing Project Manager |
Cari Kuehn Housing Program Manager |
507-328-7171 Cari's Email |
Megan Dahling Housing Program Manager |
Mary O'Neil Housing Associate Director |
Stephanie Foster Senior Housing Specialist |
507-328-7152 Stephanie's Email |
Amanda Speedling Housing Specialist |
507-328-6227 Amanda's Email |
Sandra Nelson Housing Specialist |
507-328-7155 Sandra's Email |
Emily Nicklay Housing Specialist |
507-328-7119 Emily's Email |
Karla Strain HRA Finance |
507-328-6369 Karla's Email |
Troy Daggett Property Manager |
Luke Tessum Housing Rehab Coordinator |
OCHRA history
The Rochester Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) was created in the mid-1960s to administer a proposed urban renewal program. The city later decided not to pursue urban renewal and the HRA was dissolved.
During this time, the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) sent a letter to the City of Rochester advising that funding for developing low-income elderly and family housing through the Low-Income Public Housing program was available if the city was interested. HUD's offer was not pursued, and the private sector provided much of the subsidized housing in Rochester through the Section 236 and Section 8 New Construction programs. These projects include Park Towers, Northgate Plaza, Central Towers, Fontaine Towers, The Hylands, and Innsbruck. The first public housing constructed in Rochester was in 1983, about 15 years later than other communities in the state and region had developed their public housing.
In the early 1970s, Authority members were again appointed and in 1975, the HRA began administering its first program, the Home Improvement Program, funded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA). This rehabilitation program was available countywide. The Rochester/Olmsted Consolidated Planning Department, a county department, provided most of the staffing. (This arrangement continues today as the OCHRA contracts its staff from Olmsted County and has no employees of its own).
The Section 8 Existing Certificate program, funded by HUD, was the first rental assistance program the HRA administered, beginning in the late 1970s. The HRA hired Realty Management Services to administer this program.
The first housing owned and managed by the HRA was developed with funds provided by HUD through the Low-Income Public Housing program. The project, Homestead Green, opened in 1983 and is a 30-unit townhome project located in SE Rochester.
All programs continued to grow and as many programs as possible were offered countywide. In the early 1980s, Gene Parks became the first person hired for the specific purpose of administering HRA programs.
In the mid-1980s, the Olmsted County Board of Commissioners appointed a five-member county Authority. After an organizational meeting, the OCHRA stopped meeting for several years. The OCHRA was re-activated when new members were appointed to assist with the financing of the Olmsted County Government Center and jail.
In the early 1990s, consideration was given to creating one county-wide agency. After much discussion, an agreement was reached. The OCHRA would consist of seven commissioners, four appointed by the City of Rochester and three appointed by Olmsted County. The County would approve all bond sales and the agreement would be submitted for approval by the State Legislature. The Rochester HRA would transfer all its liabilities and assets to the OCHRA.
In January 1995, the OCHRA was formed, and the Rochester HRA was dissolved.