Civil Division Frequently Asked Questions
I am a resident of Olmsted County. Can the County Attorney's Office help me with a legal problem?

The duties of the County Attorney's Office are established by state statute. Generally, the Civil Division of the County Attorney's Office represents the County as a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. That representation includes advice to the County Board of Commissioners and the County Departments. The County Attorney is not authorized to represent citizens in any private matters. We suggest that you contact a private attorney.
With what types of crimes can juveniles be charged?
Juveniles commit crimes ranging from felonies, including first-degree murder, gross misdemeanors, misdemeanors, petty misdemeanors, status offenses, and local ordinance violations.
Are juvenile delinquency proceedings open to the public?
Delinquency hearings are generally closed to the public. There are some exceptions, such as when a 16 or 17-year old has been charged with a felony. Crime victims may also be allowed to attend hearings.