Community Health Assessment and Planning

Community Health Assessment and Planning (CHAP)
The Community Health Assessment and Planning process is about improving the health and well-being of residents in Olmsted County. Every three years, the community conducts a health needs assessment to determine Olmsted County’s leading health priorities; formulate a plan to address the needs; and publish an annual progress report. Olmsted County Public Health Services, Mayo Clinic, and Olmsted Medical Center engage with diverse partners across our community to lead this process.
Since 2012, CHAP has been working with partners from across the community to find solutions to challenging health issues. Olmsted County Public Health Services, Olmsted Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, and many community groups lead the collective community efforts. Our membership comes from the public, private and nonprofit sectors and includes health care, housing, and education.
CHAP Core Group advisory team and key funding agencies:
- Olmsted County Public Health Services
- Mayo Clinic
- Olmsted Medical Center
Additional partners that help fund the CHAP process:
- Rochester Area Foundation
- United Way of Olmsted County
- Zumbro Valley Health Center
If you have questions or are interested in learning more about getting involved in the CHAP process, please contact:
Olmsted County Public Health Services
Performance Management, Quality Improvement, and Accreditation Team
Derrick Fritz, Community Health Assessment and Planning (CHAP) Coordinator
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)
The purpose of the CHIP is to guide the community on improving the highest need community health priorities. The 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) results developed the 2024-2026 CHIP. Community partners and residents played a vital role in evolving the CHIP.
Specifically, the 2024 – 2026 CHIP:
- Describes the CHAP process and a multi-year timeline.
- Outlines the three health priorities identified by community members.
- Identifies population data indicators, along with strategies, that organizations throughout Olmsted County will collectively work on to improve the priorities.
- Describes the process for sharing implementation and evaluation results moving forward.

The following documents contain information about CHIP, its Supplemental Document, how it will be implemented, and the most recent Annual Report.
In the summer of 2021, community members and CHAP partners planned and set up Community Dialogues. The discussions were with residents with at least one of the three community health priorities. The below report highlights the Community Dialogue process and themes.
Data Profiles related to each of the three community health priorities are below. They provide additional information on each CHIP priority. The profiles explore options for improvement and other local factors that affect our highest health needs in the community.
Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA)
Every three years, CHAP partners conduct a CHNA. This assessment aims to learn about the health status of Olmsted County residents and identify areas for improvement. Olmsted County works with citizens, community groups, healthcare providers, and legislators. Partners help prioritize health issues in our county, then develop action plans to improve health across priority health issues.
Below you will find the full CHNA and the CHNA Supplemental Document.
2019 Community Health Needs Assessment
2019 Community Health Needs Assessment Supplemental Document