December 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 12)
December 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 12)
Headlines are provided below. Click to read each story in the newsletter.

A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
Tis the season for family, fun, and fundraising in support of many organizations in our communities. As you can see in this newsletter, we spent one full day ringing bells for the Salvation Army. You too can join in the fun by going to their website to register at Register to Ring.
Recently light snows have also provided a wake-up call to commuters and other travelers in our region. Please be careful on our roads as you head to gatherings with friends, co-workers and of course, your families. Remember to slow down, ease off on the gas and brakes on bridge decks, ramps, and other shaded areas as those are the portions of our roads that generally provide ample opportunity for the ever-dangerous black ice to form.
Public safety agencies will again have extra law enforcement patrols on the road at key times to be sure the impaired drivers are also removed from our roads during this season. Always remember to plan ahead if you are hosting an event, plan for sober rides for your guests. It’s the least any host can do.
Enjoy the holidays!

Body Worn Cameras
Captain Ryan Mangan
This year was our final year of our 5-year contract with our current Body Worn Camera (BWC), Fleet/Squad camera and mobile router contract. Over a year ago, the project was started to evaluate and select the best, most reliable product for the Sheriff’s Office, both ADC and LEC. The initial phase was to gather information on our current vendor, which included device, service and data. This process was started by our BWC administrator, Michelle Jacobson. She provided data related to current contract costs, additional costs and product reliability and satisfaction. She sent a survey to deputies to obtain their real-life experiences with the product and compiled the results into an informative document. A high percentage of the surveys came back with less than desirable feedback content and concerning information that led us to evaluate BWC/Fleet camera/mobile router vendors. This process included obtaining price quotes from multiple vendors and initiating a product field trial to effectively test products “on the road” with our front-line staff. Many deputies tested the BWCs and provided valuable feedback. Two LEC deputies, Sergeant Adam Waletzki and Deputy Galen Loomis tested the complete system to include BWCs, squad cameras and a mobile router. The ADC had 4 detention deputies trial BWCs and they provided valuable feedback; Sergeant Aaron Budensiek, Deputy Hudson Walton, Deputy Chris Meyers and Deputy Dangello Williams assisted with product testing. They all utilized the equipment in real-life situations and pushed it to its limits. There was some change in functionality, but there really was not anything critical the new system could not do.
Due to the technologies related to these products, Olmsted County’s ITS (Information Technology Services) department was brought into the process. Initial meetings focused on the current vendor and its functionality, then eventually IT based discussions of our test product.
Ultimately, the decision was made to switch to a new vendor, Axon. With the AXON package we are getting updated Body Worn Cameras and Fleet/Squad cameras. These systems come with new 5G internet/WiFi routers to help keep up with the everchanging data technologies. The camera systems contain new technologies that will assist deputies with performing some of their duties more efficiently, effectively and most importantly, safely. The AXON package also includes many technology-based programs that integrate the camera and taser data in a web-based program that can help with data analysis. Overall, the package will ultimately increase officer safety, provide advanced technology to increase efficiency all while maintaining cutting edge level of service to the citizens of Olmsted County.
The new Body Worn Cameras and Fleet 3 systems are fully implemented thanks to the hard work and collaboration across multiple Olmsted County departments to include County Administrators, Purchasing, Finance and ITS. In collaboration with Axon, Olmsted County ITS, our fleet mechanics, Josh Morris and Shane Yohe and our BWC administrator, Michelle Jacobson, and ADC Sergeant Luke Wrubel, the equipment was rolled out, assigned and implemented in just under 4 weeks.
Stay tuned for another huge advancement in our equipment that is directly linked to the Axon BWCs/Fleet 3 and Cradlepoint systems!

Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Thank you!
Several members of our office continued the tradition of supporting the Rochester, MN Salvation Army by ringing bells at Hy-Vee the day before Thanksgiving. It’s always a fun time! Thank you to everyone who stopped to donate or say hello! We were able to raise $1,595.88; every donation is greatly appreciated and makes a difference. You can sign up to ring with the Salvation Army on their website.

Join us for Tip a Cop on Thursday, December 5th
Head to Glynner's Pub in Rochester from 11 am - 1 pm and again from 5-8 pm on December 5th to enjoy a great meal, support Special Olympics Minnesota and be "served" by local law enforcement from the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office and Rochester Police Department. Enjoy the full menu or a $16 burger or pulled pork sandwich special. Athletes from the Rochester Flyers Special Olympics team will be there!

Monthly snapshot: Body Worn Camera (BWC) Videos Created in One Year by OCSO Staff
Captain Ryan Mangan
- November 2023 - November 2024
- LEC BWC Videos: 81,860
- ADC BWC Videos: 212,332
Dates of interest
December 2
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
December 3
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
December 4
Salem Township Meeting
December 5
Dover City Council Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Tip a Cop
December 9
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
December 10
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
December 12
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
December 16
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
December 17
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
December 18
Haverhill Township Meeting
December 23
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
December 24
Stewartville City Council Meeting
December 26
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
December 30
Dover Township Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy - LEC
James Schueller
Jon Jacobson
Kelly Lee
Ryan Mangan
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Director - ADC
Samantha Reps
David Adams
Andy Danielson
Macey Tesmer