Kevin E. Torgerson

Sheriff’s Office - Serving Olmsted County since January 2, 1986
Professional Background: Law Enforcement career began with the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, Minnesota in 1980. Serving in the Detention Division, Warrants Division, Courts/Bailiff Division, and Radio (Dispatch) Division. Hired by Olmsted County in 1986. As a deputy, Torgerson served in the Patrol Division primarily but spent six years as the first School Liaison Officer in Olmsted County mostly focused on teaching the DARE Program to Elementary and Middle School students in Olmsted County and Rochester Parochial Schools. Also assigned to the Rochester/ Olmsted County Emergency Response Unit (ERU), original member, bugler, Rifle team leader, and then Commander of the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association (L.E.M.A.) Honor Guard, and Director of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Torch Run and Polar Bear Plunge and Member of the Minnesota Law Enforcement Torch Run Executive Council. Served as a Sergeant in Patrol, Training and the Civil/Warrants/Court Security Division. Promoted to Captain in 2008 moving back to Patrol Division and transferred to Homeland Security and Emergency Management in 2009 until January 2015. Currently serving as the 27th Olmsted County Sheriff after being sworn in on January 6th, 2015.
Personal Information: Married, two adult children, one in the medical field and one in education; one adorable granddaughter, and one equally adorable grandson.