Rules, regulations, and ordinances for off-highway vehicles
People enjoy using recreational motor vehicles (all-terrain vehicles, off-highway motorcycles and off-road vehicles) for trail-riding, off-road transportation, competition and other activities. Your attitude toward your surroundings and your behavior as a rider affect the attitudes of other outdoor users, landowners and lawmakers. Ride responsibly!
Here are a few things to remember
- Anyone born after 7/1/1987 must complete training and have a safety certificate to operate an ATV.
- You must have a valid driver’s license to operate an ATV on the road right of way.
- If installed, headlights must be on at all times. If not installed, you cannot operate at night.
Youth riders under the age of 18
- All operators and passengers under the age of 18 must wear a DOT-approved helmet. A bicycle or sports helmet is not DOT-approved.
- Anyone under 18 who is riding in a Class 2 ATV (typically a side-by-side style) must wear a seatbelt if they were installed on the machine.
- Operators under 18 cannot have passengers except for a parent or legal guardian.
Please remember that riding recreational motor vehicles in town and on roadways is not the same as riding on private property. State and local regulations and ordinances must be followed.
Below, you will find regulations and ordinances for Minnesota and Olmsted County cities. Check your local city ordinances for additional rules, including a requirement for a permit to operate within the city limits.