May 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 5)
May 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 5)
Please click on the title below to view each of the different stories in the newsletter.
Milestone Anniversaries
The following staff are celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2024 with the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office; thank you all for your dedicated service to Olmsted County!
5 Years
Daniel August
Kaitlin Bain
Amy Dombrovski
Carmen Reps
Blake Reuter
Thomas Speer
Dakota White
Riley Bauman
Sean Cooper
Alyssa DeGrand
Michael Ellsworth
Michael Gengler
Nathan Jacobson
Galen Loomis
Michael Peterson
Wyatt Trester
10 Years
Adam Rinn
Taylor Schoenfelder
Mike Strelow
Aviana Torkelson
Kathy Trnka
Adam Waletzki
Brady Wolhart
15 Years
Phil Limpert
Mary Mauseth
Brent Weber
Dan Johnson
Ryan Mangan
20 Years
Mark LaLiberte
Cory Sherman
Alan Stockinger
Amy Rayman
25 Years
Jeff Coe
James Schueller
30 Years
Rich Carlson
Brian Howard
Chief Deputy Brian Howard to Retire
Sheriff Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy Brian Howard has announced the end to his career serving communities in southeast Minnesota. Chief Deputy Howard began his public safety career with the Fillmore County Jail part-time in February 1989 where he continued working part-time as a dispatcher and deputy until being hired full-time January 1992 until February 1994 (he was also working in Brownsdale full-time from June 1991 – December 1991). Chief Deputy Howard joined the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office on February 9, 1994; he’ll end his distinguished career on May 31, 2024. Thirty plus years of service! The bulk of his early years he was teamed up with amazing K9 partners. His first was Bullet from 1998 to 2006, Matrix from 2006 to 2013, and finally Rocco until he was promoted to Captain in July of 2013. Brian took his K9 service to new levels becoming a dedicated trainer and working to keep our teams as highly trained as possible to meet certification levels at all trials and competitions, and more importantly, when duty called.
Chief Deputy Howard was not satisfied there. Prior to coming to Olmsted County he became a DARE Officer with Fillmore County and continued in that capacity with our Office. In 2004 he took on the added responsibility as the Stewartville COPS Deputy until being appointed to a Sergeant position back in the Patrol
Division in June of 2007. Keep in mind, he was still a K9 Handler, and now a
trainer at the same time. In 2013 he volunteered to completely change his view of law enforcement work leaving his new and beloved K9 partner Rocco behind when he was promoted to a Captain position leading the Violent Crime Enforcement Team covering all of SE Minnesota.
When my first election was successful, I was faced with a lot of decisions and asked
Chief Deputy Howard to move to a place he had been but only for a short time early in his career: back to serve in detention for Olmsted County as the Chief Deputy or Director of Detention Services in charge of the nearly 100 detention center and work release staff. Serving in detention or corrections is many times a thankless assignment. Chief Deputy Howard took on the challenge serving there from January of 2015 until February of 2023 when he assumed the role as Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement Services for our Office.
When you look back on his storied and honored career one could easily say he served with distinction, purpose, and compassion. Brian had a talent for building relationships to enhance working partnerships that served the Sheriff’s Office well; he always looked for the right solution to every challenge that would not only solve the current issue but hopefully lead to better service to our communities.
I can’t thank him enough for the support he has given our office and more
personally, me over the last ten years. He has been a confidant, trusted ally, and friend. At his side all these years has been his amazing spouse and two children who, like all law enforcement families have lived through the long hours, celebrated the many successes and promotions, and prayed for safety and understanding. So now we give him back to you as he retires and focuses on other activities and interests. Thank you, Brian, for your service to the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office and all those we serve.

Spring Awards Program
On April 4, 2024, the Sheriff’s Office celebrated those that have been newly employed, newly promoted, done exceptional work, saved a life, or made a significant contribution to the Sheriff’s office and/or the community.
Certificates of Appointment
Lindsay Anderson - Detention Deputy - September 11, 2023
Aaron Kuehn - Detention Deputy - September 11, 2023
Mario Muro - Detention Deputy - September 11, 2023
Karalee Senjem - Detention Deputy - September 11, 2023
Bryant Armitage - Detention Deputy - December 4, 2023
Noe Gonzalez - Detention Deputy - December 4, 2023
Tyler Mehrkens - Detention Deputy - December 4, 2023
Steven Spearman - Detention Deputy - December 4, 2023
Hudson Walton - Detention Deputy - December 4, 2023
Julia McCaslin - Transport Coordinator - December 18, 2023
Jesse Drown - Deputy Sheriff - January 16, 2024
Certificates of Promotion
Justin Dombrovski - Corporal - October 9, 2023
Joshua Matti - Corporal - December 8, 2023
Matt Swayze - Corporal - December 11, 2023
Brandon Richardson - Corporal - December 18, 2023
Special Olympics Athletes of the Year
Parker Lichtenwalter
Denise Lujan
Letters of Recognition
Tyler Heiden
Michael Schatz
Life Saving Awards
Reece Ferguson
Austin Klaysmat
Caleb Krause
Corey Leighton
Christopher Streed
Medals of Commendation
Mary Archambault
Jerod Baertsch
Riley Bauman
Justin Carroll
Mark Chambers
Don Cobban
Sean Cooper
Tyler Crabtree
Tom Hallisy
Trevor Hanson
Alexander Hervey
Cody Hyland
Holly Irish
Carolyn Kittleson
Austin Klaysmat
Caleb Krause
James Logan
Shaun McGuire
Matthew Norland
Tyler Pond
Scott Prins
Brendan Rasinski
Shamus Ryan
Matthew Stradtmann
Christopher Streed
Caleb Tesdahl
Steven Thompson
Collin Winters
Tyler Vermeersch
Steven Wiebke
Tom Wright
Memorial Presentation
Adam Waletzki—K9 Cobra
Dates of Interest
May 1
Dover City Council Meeting
May 5
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
May 5—11
Correctional Officer Week
May 6
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Oronoco Township Meeting
May 7
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Salem Township Meeting
May 8
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
May 12
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
May 13
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
May 19
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
May 20
Law Enforcement Memorial
Pine Island City Council Meeting
May 21
Farmington Township Meeting
Haverhill Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
May 22
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Assoc Meeting
May 26
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Dover Township Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
May 27
Byron City Council Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy—LEC
Brian Howard
Jon Jacobson
Kelly Lee
Ryan Mangan
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Chief Deputy—ADC
James Schueller
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer