August 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 8)
August 2024 Newsletter (Volume 10, Issue 8)
Please click on the title below to view each of the different stories in the newsletter.

Note from Sheriff Torgerson
The summer of 2024 is almost over. With Night to Unite on August 6th and two more Safe City Nights in Rochester later in the month we are wrapping up our summer activities. Our community engagement activities continue to grow. With the new special requests and events, concerts, parades, and the Olmsted County Fair there was no shortage of things to do while meeting and greeting our deputies and other staff. We’ve enjoyed the interactions, and we hope you have as well. More events to come this Fall with our schools and the holiday season (scary) just around the corner. Thank you for joining us at these events.
I want to congratulate the Olmsted County Fair Board and the Olmsted County Board for allowing our staff to be flexible with our staffing numbers during fair week. All in all, the Olmsted County Fair from our viewpoint was a great success, even with a few issues the vast majority of people who attended safely enjoyed exhibits and food as a great way to end the summer. Our staff had a great plan, and they should be publicly thanked as well.
Lastly, our search for top quality community minded leaders to join our Office continues. We are currently seeking new law enforcement trained personnel to join us whether this is their first assignment or continuing their career we hope they consider our Office as a landing spot for a lifetime. Soon we will announce an addition to our assigned squad car policy that could bring in experienced officers from across the region. I recently had an opportunity to interview and make conditional offers to new detention deputies. With each group we are finding amazing, caring, and motivated people to interview in this current tough job market. It warms my heart each time to meet wonderful young people who want to serve their communities with our Office.

Southeast Minnesota Violent Crime Enforcement Team (SEMVCET)
Lieutenant Jens Dammen
SEMVCET is a multijurisdictional task force made up of law enforcement investigators whose primary responsibility is to investigate individuals and organizations associated with violent crimes. The primary focus of SEMVCET investigations is controlled substance crimes. SEMVCET is funded through the state, member agencies and asset forfeitures.
The jurisdictional boundary of SEMVCET is southeast Minnesota. Member agencies are Dodge County, Fillmore County, Goodhue County, Houston County, Mower County, Olmsted County, Wabasha County and Winona County. Besides these counties, Austin Police Department, Kasson Police Department, Lake City Police Department, Red Wing Police Department, Rochester Police Department and Winona Police Department are also members. Minnesota National Guard – Counter Drug supplies two analysts to our team to assist with processing technology and providing case support. SEMVCET frequently works with other agencies including Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and other Minnesota VCET’s. Federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Homeland Security (HSI), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and US Marshall’s (USMS) provide additional resources and assistance.
SEMVCET is comprised of 24 local law enforcement investigators who are assigned by their respective agencies. SEMVCET membership agencies range from small to large departments and SEMVCET is a huge asset for resources to these jurisdictions. SEMVCET is a readily available resource to regional law enforcement agencies to assist with crimes other than controlled substances when needed. SEMVCET investigators work closely but are not collocated. Each investigator gets advanced training and access to specialized equipment to be able to conduct complex investigations. Cases start off as local cases that frequently develop into sources that are in other jurisdictions in the state and throughout the nation. The investigations generally require numerous court orders to continue to develop the case. Cases very in length of time worked from weeks to months. During these investigations, investigators need to continually monitor the status and keep current on documentation.
Methamphetamine, fentanyl, heroin and cocaine account for the majority of the controlled substance investigations that are worked. Southeast Minnesota historically has had a high amount of methamphetamine use, making this our most heavily controlled substance encountered during investigations. Heroin and fentanyl are also readily available in our communities. Cocaine has been making a resurgence in the last couple of years also.
There is no good explanation for the highs and lows of drug seizures, as there are countless variables that go into cases and seizures. The illicit drug trade is enormous and is fueled by money and power. The drug supply and demand is higher than ever. SEMVCET investigators are committed to their assignment and working very hard to disrupt the controlled substance trade in southeast Minnesota.
Night to Unite
Night to Unite will be held Tuesday, August 6, 2024. If you would like the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office
or Rochester Police Department to stop by your neighborhood gathering, register your party at We will do our best to visit all registered gatherings!

Summer festivals and events are wrapping up for the year. We have had great crowds allowing our Deputies to be out and about working extra duty for parades, special duty and street dances. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put these events together for our communities and everyone that attended!
You’ll have another opportunity to interact with our Deputies this month at the various Night to Unite Activities!
A special thanks to all of our staff who work so hard to make these events possible. These events and special duties require extra time, effort and time away from families to make our office successful.

Sports Medicine and Athletic Performance (SMAP) with Olmsted Medical Center
SMAP is comprehensive training provided for military, firefighter, emergency medical technician and law enforcement personnel at Olmsted Medical Center designed by a certified tactical strength and conditioning facilitator. Better conditioned personnel are more likely to have a lower risk of work-related injuries and can perform their physical duties more efficiently. This training affords first responders the opportunity to prepare for a variety of situations including medical emergencies, strength and conditioning and to serve Olmsted County to the best of their ability.

Monthly Snapshot: SEMVCET Drug Seizures
Lieutenant Jens Dammen
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Methamphetamine |
9,941 grams |
90,704 grams |
11,084 grams |
Fentanyl |
220 grams | 34,130 grams | 552 grams |
Heroin |
149 grams | 1.6 grams | 0 grams |
Cocaine |
4,593 grams | 43,276 grams | 124 grams |
Dates of Interest
July 1
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
July 2
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy - LEC
James Schueller
Jon Jacobson
Kelly Lee
Ryan Mangan
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Director - ADC
Samantha Reps
David Adams
Andy Danielson
Macey Tesmer