Sheriff’s Office Newsletter - March 2021

To view each of the different stories in the March 2021 newsletter (Volume 7, Issue 3), please click on the tabs below.
A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
As we slowly turn towards Spring we are again given the spring fresh outlook on renewing life. Certainly, the end is near with COVID-19 and we all look forward to the day we can all move about freely without the fear of the virus affecting our loved ones and coworkers. For law enforcement and many in our communities on the horizon is the trial of the Minneapolis officer(s). Our hope and continued reminder to our communities is they allow the process to take place. We will continue to support free speech opportunities for all people to voice their opinions but will not accept violence, fear or other behavior that causes or encourages violence. We work every day serving you and honoring our mission statement, “To provide quality services that promote and protect the well-being, safety and security of all people in our community.” Be safe and well everyone.

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program
Captain Mike Bromberg
There are commonly declarations that jurisdictions of all sizes strive to attain in recognition of the hard work being done each day, year after year. Unfortunately, the illegal drug trade is very active in SE Minnesota centered in Olmsted County. The designation from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ODNCP) based in Washington DC awarded to Olmsted County in 2019 was one we sought by application in hopes the money that would become available to enhance our efforts. But at the same time disappointed that other agencies across the state were telling us to apply. Thus, we were happy/unhappy to be awarded this designation because it meant our illegal drug concerns were real and significant. HIDTA stands for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Our HIDTA designation meant the following criteria must have been met:
- The area is a significant center of illegal drug production, manufacturing, importation, or distribution.
- State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies have committed resources to respond to the drug trafficking problem in the area, thereby indicating a determination to respond aggressively to the problem.
- Drug-related activities in the area are having a significant harmful impact in the area and in other areas of the country; and
- A significant increase in allocation of Federal resources is necessary to respond adequately to drug-related activities in the area.
The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) program, created by Congress with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, provides assistance to Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies operating in areas determined to be critical drug-trafficking regions of the United States. This grant program is administered by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). There are currently 33 HIDTAs, and HIDTA-designated counties are in all 50 states, as well as in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia. The DEA plays a very active role and has more than 1,500 authorized special agent positions dedicated to the program. At the local level, the HIDTAs are directed and guided by Executive Boards composed of an equal number of regional Federal and non-Federal (state, local, and tribal) law enforcement leaders. The 2021 national HIDTA annual budget is $290 million.
HIDTA brings Intelligence resources, forensics, training, and operational resources for our staff to utilize in illegal drug investigations. Funding from HIDTA allows us to purchase investigative equipment for our deputies. Olmsted County joins St. Louis County and the Twin Cities Metro Area along with law enforcement agencies from Wisconsin in the North Central HIDTA. The application included our partnership with Rochester Police Department and the SE Violent Crime Enforcement Team (VCET). The focus on the growing concerns were heightened with several significant drug cases that included dealers in significant cases where narcotics officers and deputies were engaged with and arrested several violent offenders from Mexico, SW United States and California. It was clear Olmsted County was becoming a destination for trafficking and dispersal throughout the region as well as the Metro area, Duluth, Wisconsin, and Chicago. HIDTA Counties in the Twin Cities metro reached out to Rochester PD initially to encourage our application. Once the application was completed it had to be cleared by the Minnesota HIDTA Board, then the Wisconsin Regional HIDTA Board before heading to Washington DC for the ODNCP designation. Monies received are designated to support investigative efforts through purchasing equipment and updating technology. None of the money can be used to support salaries.
Recently the Olmsted County Health, Housing and Human Services departments conducted a Community Health Needs assessment. That assessment identified our communities feel Mental Health concerns, Financial Stress and Substance Use including alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs as our greatest concerns. We are hopeful our enforcement efforts coupled with our partners in the County’s other departments we can work on and reduce the concerns and issues caused by those three factors of need in our communities. The HIDTA designation will help but like all social challenges we can’t just legislate and enforce change, we must want to change also. It takes a village.
Virtual Storm Spotter Training
Virtual Storm Spotter Training
Spring is right around the corner, and with Spring, comes storm season! The US National Weather Service in LaCrosse, Wis. is conducting virtual Skywarn Storm Spotter Training beginning in March. 2021 Virtual Training Sessions:
- March 11- 6:30 pm
- April 1 - 1:00 pm
- March 16 - 6:30 pm
- April 7 - 6:30 pm
- March 22 - 10:00 am
- April 15 - 10:00 am
- April 20 - 6:30 pm
All virtual training is free and usually lasts around 90 minutes. Visit the National Weather Service of La Crosse Wisconsin's website to learn more or register for a session.

Special Olympics Athlete Highlights
Special Olympics Athlete Highlights
As we prepare for the upcoming Polar Plunge on March 20th, we wanted to highlight some of our athletes.
Travis Whitcomb has been with Special Olympics for over 25 years. He has participated in bowling. swimming, (athlete and coach) track and field, (athlete and coach) basketball, softball. In cycling he went to the 1995 Special Olympics International Games in New Haven, Connecticut. Travis participated in the very first Polar Plunge and has been a plunger in every one since then. He has been active in several Torch Runs and Tip A Cop. Being involved in S.O. is the highlight of his life. His parents are Brian and Diana Whitcomb.
Anne MacGillivray has participated in numerous sports with Special Olympics started a number of years ago with the original Special Olympics team called Special Olympics Rochester Area (SORA) and now with the Rochester Flyers Special Olympics team. Anne has participated in many of the sports available through Special Olympics, but swimming remains as her primary sport. Anne has joined the Law Enforcement Torch Run several years as the Flame of Hope is run from Rochester to Hastings as well in Tip A Cop fundraiser events. Anne has been an annual participant in the Polar Plunge jumping every year since 2003 and sometimes being the top individual fundraiser not a Super Plunger. Lastly, if you’ve ever experienced an Anne MacGillivray hug, you know you’ve been hugged.
With COVID-19 challenges, the Plunge committee led by local law enforcement, Special Olympics Minnesota and the Rochester Flyers Special Olympics team has had some challenges. Limits will be placed on how many plungers will jump, belly flop, swan dive and cannonball into the cool waters of Foster Arend lake on Saturday, March 20th. All the money raised goes to Special Olympics Minnesota and the Rochester Flyers Special Olympics team which boasts over 300 athletes regionwide on their team.
The Rochester Polar Plunge, with its more than 11,000 plungers, has raised over $3 million in its nineteen-year history. This year’s Plunge presents new challenges but we are undaunted in our efforts to support these amazing athletes. Register today!

Monthly Snapshot
Monthly Snapshot - Southeast MN Violent Crimes Enforcement Team Statistics
Captain Mike Bromberg
Activity | 2020 | 2019 |
Investigations |
207 | 202 |
Search Warrants |
76 | 61 |
Felony Drug Arrests |
39 | 29 |
Violent Crime Arrests |
1 | 1 |
Children Affected |
10 | 12 |
Drug Seizures | 2020 | 2019 |
Meth (grams) |
6,199.82 |
1,914 |
Cocaine (g) |
347.99 |
61.9 |
Marijuana (g) |
35,244.8 |
2,344 |
Synthetics (g) | 0 | 2 |
Prescriptions (g) | 284 | 11 |
Heroin (g) | 76.67 | 0 |
Guns Seized | 6 | 3 |
Meth Labs | 0 | 1 |
Dates of Interest
Dates of Interest
Note—these are regular dates—please verify these meetings are taking place as well as the forum they’ll be held in.
March 1
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
March 2
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
March 3
Salem Township Meeting
March 4
Dover City Council Meeting
March 8
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
March 9
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
March 11
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
March 15
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
March 16
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
March 17
Haverhill Township Meeting
March 22
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
March 23
Byron City Council Meeting
Spring Awards Program
Stewartville City Council Meeting
March 25
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
March 29
Dover Township Meeting
Senior Administration
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement Center
Terry Waletzki
Scott Behrns
Mike Bromberg
Jon Jacobson
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Chief Deputy of Adult Detention Center
Brian Howard
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer