TZD Tuesday - April Distracted Driving Campaign
April showers are just around the corner – and so is the month-long distracted driving campaign! The awareness and enforcement campaign that kicks off April 1 will run through April 30.
While holding a cell phone to text or post on social media present obvious risks, other activities that take a driver's mind and attention away from driving are just as risky. They can include daydreaming, putting attention toward something outside of the vehicle, eating, reaching for items, changing music, and dealing with rowdy passengers or kids. Distracted driving is anything that takes your attention away from the road.
Distractions of any kind are all potentially deadly:
- Visual distraction - looking away from the road.
- Physical distraction - taking your hands off the wheel to do something else.
- Cognitive distraction - being lost in thought.
- Using electronic devices combines all of these elements - like texting or snapchatting while driving.
Be part of the solution when it comes to distracted driving. Start by setting a good example for your kids or anyone in the vehicle by parking the phone. Next time you start to do something behind the wheel that isn’t driving, remember how you feel when you see other drivers distracted behind the wheel. Take the steps to put your attention on the road — set your music, put your phones out of reach or follow the hands-free cell phone law, and know your directions. DRIVE SMART, PAY ATTENTION AND PUT THE PHONE DOWN.