TZD Tuesday - National Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day
National Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day, Wednesday, Oct. 4, stresses the importance of physical activity and brings attention to pedestrian safety. The annual event will give thousands of students across the state an opportunity to practice safe pedestrian skills and behaviors. Minnesota Walk! Bike! Fun! learning guides can assist teachers, parents and caregivers in teaching various pedestrian safety topics, including guidance on basic traffic safety and crossing at intersections.
No matter your mode of transportation, traffic safety is a two-way street. Whether you walk, bike or drive to your destination, you can take steps to ensure everyone makes it home safely.
When driving:
- Watch for people walking - anywhere, at any time, day or night.
- Stop for people crossing the road.
- Look in all directions before turning.
- Slow down for people. Slower speeds save lives.
- Before passing stopped vehicles, check for people crossing the road.
When walking:
- Be alert for turning vehicles.
- Look for vehicles in all lanes of traffic before crossing. Drivers may not see you.
- Cross in well-lit areas when possible.
- Stand clear of parked cars and obstacles before crossing.
- Walk while facing traffic when sidewalks aren’t available.
This is a beautiful time of year to explore the outdoors and take time to appreciate the changing fall colors, but the safety of our vulnerable road users should always be a priority. Everyone plays a role in keeping our roadways safe. Working together, we can drive Minnesota toward zero deaths.