Sheriff's Office Newsletter - May 2023
Volume 9, Issue 5
May 2023 Newsletter (Volume 9, Issue 5)
Please click on the title below to view each of the different stories in the newsletter.

A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
The month of May brings so much promise with warmer weather, longer days and the beauty of Spring begins to pop everywhere. The hope of new life and experiences reminds us there is much to look forward to. May also is a time in law enforcement and our communities to look back and honor those who have gone before and specifically remember those who we have lost in the Line of Duty. For us that is Detention Deputy Mark E. Anderson and Deputy Jack D. Werner and many more regionally.
May then is home to two weeks of honor and remembrance, May 7th to the 13th is known as Correctional Officers Week. We get the opportunity to learn more about the Detention Center as well as show appreciation for the Detention Staff and their work. The following week is known nationally also as Police Week, May 11th to the 16th with National Law Enforcement Memorial Day being dedicated by President Kennedy in 1962 on May 15th. Large programs are held in St. Paul for statewide commemoration and in Washington DC at the National Memorial. Locally on Thursday, May 18th the SE Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation will hold a program at Soldiers Veteran’s Memorial in Rochester beginning at 6:30 pm. This year the program will highlight Chief David J. Shipley of the Faribault Police Department who died on January 8, 1883, 140 years ago and Loring Guenther from the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office who passed away on September 10th, 2013, just ten years ago.
Please save the date and attend the Memorial program Thursday, May 18th, 2023 at 6:30 pm at Soldiers Field Memorial Park in Rochester.
Detention Centers and Lodgers
Captain Dave Adams
It’s hard to believe, but Olmsted County’s Adult Detention Center is now one of the oldest detention facilities in SE Minnesota. Opening in 1993 it’s 30 years old!
State Statute requires that if a county elects to have a detention facility to house its pre-sentenced offenders, the Sheriff is responsible for its operations, staffing, maintenance; coupled with the state standards, mandates, and laws that effect those that are housed within it.
Since our opening: Freeborn, Steele, Mower, Goodhue, Wabasha, Le Sueur, and Houston County have all built new facilities or additions. Most recently Freeborn, Fillmore, Rice, and Winona are in the process of planning and building. The lone outlier, Dodge County, has elected to not build and maintain a detention facility of their own and enter a contract to board (house) their offenders elsewhere. All counties in the region have memorandums of understanding (MOU) to lodge their offenders at other county facilities. Reasons range from not having a jail of their own, to remodeling or building, overcrowding, or needing more resources to effectively manage a specific offender or population (females, mentally ill, protective custody etc.). The cost to house offenders at another facility within the region is $60/day. Olmsted County’s Adult Detention Center recently signed a contract to house for Dodge County (room & board). Dodge County will maintain the responsibility of managing their offenders’ court hearings, medical/dental expenses, any associated security coverage, and transportation.

Farewell to Lieutenant Rossman
Captain Tim Parkin
Lieutenant Lee Rossman has decided the time has come to move on to civilian life and enjoy retirement. Lee began his law enforcement career with our office in 1986 as a Reserve Deputy. This included working with the patrol division for approximately four years. During this same time, Lee served as a Jail Monitor in the old Olmsted County Jail. In July 1990, Lee was hired full-time with the Zumbrota Police Department, serving there until November 1990. And that’s when the call came! Lee will never forget the day Patrol Captain Steve VonWald called him to offer “the job.” Lee was asleep as he had just finished working a night shift in Zumbrota. Lee was partially awake, taking the call, and had to ask Capt. VonWald to repeat what he said and asked if he was being offered the job. Lee was proudly sworn in under Sheriff Stan Anderson as a full-time Deputy with the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office.
For the next eight years, Lee worked in our patrol division. Then in 1998, Lee was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He served in this role until the fall of 2000 when Lee accepted the promotional rank of Detective. In 2013, Lee was promoted again to Sergeant and rejoined the patrol division. Then in 2015, Sgt. Rossman was selected to fill a newly created Sergeant of Court Security position as our Government Center transitioned to a secure facility. The new role demanded a tremendous learning curve as we undertook a significant transition for how Olmsted County staff and the community traveled through the building. Finally, in 2021 Sgt. Rossman made his final move within our office to become the Lieutenant of Investigations. It was a kind of return-to-home experience for Lee, as he spent much of his career in the investigations division.
During Lee’s tenure with our office, he took on many additional responsibilities, several at the same time. These include being a Firearms Instructor (12 years), Emergency Response Unit member (3 years), Project Lifesaver (5 years), and Use of Force Instructor (12 years). When in the position of Detective, Lee worked as a Welfare Fraud investigator, General Investigator, County Attorney’s Office Liaison, and a Corner-House trained investigator that specialized in forensic interviews of children. While Lee mentioned the difficulties and stress working cases involving children could bring, he also said having the ability to bring closure and give families answers was rewarding.
I asked Lee for his advice for those new to the Law Enforcement profession. He stated, “Face the challenges of the job, but don’t be afraid to ask for help.” Lee enjoyed looking back on his career and mentioned receiving satisfaction in the ability to help others out. Lee enjoyed the opportunity to work at the Olmsted County Fair over the years. It created many positive interactions with the people. Lee also liked sampling the different fair foods available.
In looking forward to his retirement life, Lee is excited to spend more time riding his ATVs, and in Lee’s words, when asked if he can catch fish he stated, “I always try to catch them.” So, Lee, I hope you have good luck catching fish, and thank you for your service with the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office.

Spring 2023 Awards Program
On April 11, 2023, the Sheriff’s Office celebrated those that have been newly employed, newly promoted, done exceptional work, saved a life, or made a significant contribution to the Sheriff’s Office and/or the community.
Certificates of Appointment
Gabriel Jones – Detention Deputy – December 5, 2022
Kaine Kaase – Deputy Sheriff – January 3, 2023
Owen Riley – Deputy Sheriff – January 3, 2023

Chaplain Certificates of Recognition
George Beech
Aaron Jones
Abe Kamara
Jay Maier
Tara Maier
Larry Orth
Kurt Ploeger

Special Olympics Athletes of the Year
Erikka Giere
Josh Jewell

Certificates of Promotion
Jason Attleson – Corporal – March 27, 2023
Adam Waletzki – Sergeant – January 16, 2023
Kelly Lee – Captain – January 16, 2023
James Schueller – Chief Deputy – January 16, 2023

Life Saving Awards
Kyle Cottingham
Erik Ickler
Rian Jones
Mike Peterson
Brendan Rasinski
Brandon Richardson
D’Angello Williams

Medals of Commendation
Dustin Draeger
Joel Johnson
Adam Rinn
Jeff Salley
Macey Tesmer
Zach Wagner
Adam Waletzki
Monthly Snapshot: Current Lodgers
Captain Dave Adams
Olmsted County currently has 18 lodgers from the following facilities:
- 11 from Dodge County
- 1 from Blue Earth County
- 3 from Waseca County
- 2 from Rice County
- 1 from Winona County
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy—LEC
Brian Howard
Jon Jacobson
Kelly Lee
Ryan Mangan
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Chief Deputy—ADC
James Schueller
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer
Dates of Interest
May 1
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
May 2
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
May 3
Salem Township Meeting
May 4
Dover City Council Meeting
May 8
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
May 9
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
May 11
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
May 15
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
May 16
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
May 17
Haverhill Township Meeting
May 22
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
May 23
Byron City Council Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
May 25
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
May 29
Dover Township Meeting