TZD Tuesday - Celebrate the 4th Safely
It’s time to celebrate Independence Day and that can mean partying with picnics, boating, fireworks – and beverages. Enjoy the festivities and remember to celebrate responsibly. Impaired driving puts everyone at risk. If you’re celebrating with even one drink, find a designated driver or schedule a ridesharing service.
To celebrate safely:
- Plan for a sober ride home ahead of time.
- Use a ridesharing service or public transportation.
- Drive defensively against drunk drivers.
- Be aware of extra pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Hosting a party? Provide non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers.
- Have a friend who is impaired and planning on driving? Take their keys away.
- Obey the speed limit and always buckle up.
Enjoy the holiday with friends and family, and end the day safely at home. Extra DWI and speed enforcement will be on Minnesota roads. Together, we can drive Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths.