TZD Tuesday: Time for a Name Change - 100 SAFEST Days on the Road
The stretch between Memorial Day and Labor Day is often referred to as the 100 Deadliest Days on the Road, but it’s time to turn this summer into the 100 SAFEST Days on the Road – and working together, we can make this happen!
Impairment is often perceived as excessive alcohol consumption or illegal substances, but it also comes down to simply focusing on anything other than what’s right in front of you. Impaired is Impaired.
Everyone can help make our roadways safer by making smart choices behind the wheel.
- Cell phones: Obey the hands-free cell phone law. Better yet, turn off the cell phone and place it out of reach to avoid grasping for it when you receive a notification.
- Navigation: If you use GPS, designate a passenger to direct your path or map it out beforehand if driving alone.
- Eating and drinking: Instead of eating/drinking while driving, take a break in a parking lot or pull over where it is safe and legal.
- Children: Kids are more distracting than you think. Teach them how to be good passengers.
The Minnesota Safety Council and NETS teamed up with AAA Minnesota to launch Impaired is Impaired, a statewide campaign working to educate Minnesotans on impaired driving. The DriveSafeMN website contains a variety of educational resources including fact sheets, five-minute safety talks, webinars, fun videos, and more that can be shared to make this the 100 Safest Days on Minnesota roads.
Educate yourself, your family, and all drivers to help drive Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths.