Zumbro Valley Medical Society Awards its 2022 Community Service Award

Originally shared by the Zumbro Valley Medical Society.
The Zumbro Valley Medical Society (ZVMS) awards its Community Service Award 2022 to the Olmsted County Housing Stability Team for their service to community members experiencing houselessness. ZVMS, founded in 1934, is a non-profit professional membership organization representing 3,000 physicians and medical students in southeast Minnesota.
The ZVMS Community Service Award recognizes non-physicians who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and quantifiable results in elevating the general health of the community. ZVMS recognizes the many ways the Olmsted County Housing Stability Team serves our community members experiencing houselessness – through outreach, transitional housing, and the Empowering Connections and Housing Outreach (ECHO) Center. We appreciate the Team’s nonjudgmental and inclusive approach to providing housing and social service information to clients and educating ZVMS members on issues affecting unsheltered individuals. We are also grateful for the team’s outstanding collaboration with ZVMS and the ZVMS Street Medicine Initiative, including participating in community clinics and street rounds.
ZVMS will present the Community Service Award at its (virtual) annual meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 6-8 p.m.
During its annual meeting, ZVMS will also present awards to members for their accomplishments and contributions to medicine and community health in 2022.