Public Hearing set for 10-year Watershed Plan

A Public Hearing for Review of Plan: Mississippi River Winona and La Crescent Watersheds (WinLaC) will take place on Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. (severe weather alternative: January 30, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.) at the Minnesota State College SE Auditorium located at 1250 Homer Road in Winona. Please use the main entrance, door A, room #205. A virtual link for remote participation is
After two years of work, the WinLaC watershed plan is ready for review and comment by the public. The goal of the ten-year plan is to identify and prioritize the water quality issues the community cares about. The result will yield prioritized projects with the highest return on investment to work on over the next decade. Come to the meeting, learn about the plan and provide your comment!
If you want to read through the draft plan before the meeting, it is available online and on Winona County’s Clean Water Management webpage.
You are invited to attend and submit comments, written or verbal, which will become part of the official public hearing record. In order to get an idea of how many people would like to provide verbal comments, Public Hearing participants are encouraged to sign up in advance using the form found on the WinLaC Partnership website by 4:30 p.m. January 23, 2023:
If unable to attend the Public Hearing, you can still participate with written comments by 4:30 p.m. January 23, 2023, using the contact information below. Submitted comments (up to 450 words) will be received and filed.
Directly on WinLaC Partnership website:
By Mail:
Winona County Planning
Attn: Sheila Harmes, County Water Planner
202 West Third Street
Winona, MN 55987
By E-Mail:
Subject: “WinLaC CWMP Public Comment”
Weather related postponements will be posted on Winona County’s calendar link at the bottom of the Winona County website at

Media Contact: Sue Struckmann | 507-328-7070 |