Olmsted County 2021 Unsheltered Homeless Registry results
Olmsted County’s efforts to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities continue with the completion of the annual Unsheltered Homeless Registry.
People experiencing unsheltered homelessness are defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as those individuals or families whose primary nighttime residence is public/private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. These are people living on the street or in makeshift shelters (tents, boxes), motorhomes (RV), vans, or cars.
From July 21, 2021, through July 23, 2021, the Olmsted County Housing department, and 11 community partners identified 157 people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Rochester. In October 2020, 207 people were identified. This amounts to a 24% reduction in people experiencing homelessness in our community.
“These results demonstrate that efforts across Olmsted County to address unsheltered homelessness are having a positive impact,” said Olmsted County Housing Director Dave Dunn. “While other factors may have contributed to the decline in those identified, we know that housing solves homelessness, and over the past two years, Olmsted County has directly housed over 200 individuals experiencing homelessness.”
The three-day registry process was first introduced in 2019 to Olmsted County by the Upper Midwest Region of the Corporation for Supportive Housing. In addition to the data collected, the process allows trained professionals to connect people to the housing and services they need while influencing systems changes to increase access to housing and services.
2021 registry key outcomes
- Reduction in the number of people identified as unsheltered homeless.
- Reduction in the number of people who reported being homeless for the first time. 27% reported being homeless for the first time in 2021, compared to 40% in 2020.
- In 2019, approximately 70% of people identified as unsheltered homeless were from the Rochester area. In 2021, a higher percentage of people identified as unsheltered homeless came to the Rochester area from outside Olmsted County.
- Rochester - 49%
- SE Minnesota - 18%
- Metro area - 14%
- Out of state - 19%
- People of color are disproportionately impacted by homelessness.
- According to the three-day registry count, 32% of those identified as unsheltered homeless are Black.
“In short, we believe the results demonstrate that our efforts to address unsheltered homelessness are making a difference in our community. We have taken significant steps to address this issue and will continue to do so,” said Dunn.
Olmsted County’s response
There are many components that work together to prevent homelessness and address housing needs. Ultimately, the goal is to help people transition to permanent housing. Below are some highlights of recent Olmsted County Housing team efforts.
- In February 2020, the Olmsted County Housing Stability team was created. More than 150 people have been housed since its inception.
- Expansion of the Rochester Community Warming Center hours and space, allowing for more adults to seek shelter amid COVID-19 restrictions.
- Addition of the Empowering Connections and Housing Outreach (ECHO) Center to help people experiencing homelessness connect with resources and assistance.
- Rental assistance for vulnerable Olmsted County residents, and the addition of 60 supportive housing units since 2020, along with an additional 148 units of rental assistance for our vulnerable population.
- $16.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for affordable housing infrastructure and programs in Olmsted County.
- Continued work with community partners to help meet the basic and long-term needs of people experiencing homelessness.
More information
For more information on homelessness and housing resources in Olmsted County, please visit the Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority webpage.
Media Contact: Gretchen Williamson, Communications Manager, 507-328-6024