Olmsted County reopening government buildings on June 1, 2021
On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, Olmsted County is reopening its government buildings to the public. June 1 is the first business day after the Governor’s order expires in which capacity and distancing requirements are lifted for indoor events and gatherings. When our buildings reopen, there are some details and reminders for Olmsted County residents to be aware of.
Government Center
Property Records and Licensing
As a reminder, anyone needing driver’s license services or passports can use the Olmsted County Online Check-in system to schedule an arrival time.
District court
The fifth and sixth floors of the Government Center are district court floors and still require the use of face masks. For the most up-to-date information, visit the Minnesota Courts website.
Olmsted County government campus
It’s recommended that clients call before visiting the buildings outlined below. Some services will still require an appointment. Also, please note that applications for many services can be completed online such as:
- Minnesota Benefits application
- MNsure Home / MNsure
- DHS-1958-ENG (Application for Child Support Services) (mn.gov)
- RentHelpMN application
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) application
Building 2100
- For Public Health, contact 507-328-7500.
- For WIC, contact 507-328-7555.
- For COVID-19 questions, contact 507-328-2822.
- For Veterans Services, contact 507-328-6355.
- For Adult and Family Services, contact 507-328-6400.
Building 2117
- For Child and Family Services, contact 507-328-6400.
- For the Housing department, contact 507-328-7150.
- For Food Support, Cash Assistance, Child Care Assistance, Child Support and Health Care Assistance, contact 507-328-6500.
- A new online scheduling system is available for Family Support and Assistance. Use this system to schedule appointments before visiting the building on Campus Drive SE. Please note that appointment times will be available in the system beginning June 1.
- To submit verification forms, email PAQ@co.olmsted.mn.us.
Olmsted County Parks
All county park buildings will reopen on June 1 including the Oxbow Park Nature Center building (open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) as well as park offices.
Olmsted County Board of Commissioner meetings
The Olmsted County Board of Commissioners meetings are now operating in-person. Anyone who is a planned speaker (i.e., the primary speaker for a particular topic) at a board meeting should plan to present in person, if possible, at the Olmsted County Government Center in the board room. Members of the public are still encouraged to join the board meeting virtually through Microsoft Teams. Meeting links can be found in the agendas on our PrimeGov meeting site.
COVID-19 guidance
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Governor Tim Walz are encouraging the continued use of facial coverings for individuals who are not fully vaccinated. Anyone – vaccinated or not – is welcome to wear facial coverings on Olmsted County property at any time.
As a reminder, no one should be entering county buildings if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID, have tested positive for COVID, or been exposed to someone who has recently tested positive.
Olmsted County will not be verifying vaccination status of individuals in our county buildings unless it is part of an official case investigation by Olmsted County Public Health.
Media Contact: Gretchen Williamson, Communications Manager, 507-328-6024