CSAH 44 (formerly CR 104) and TH 14 Intersection
Open House 3 - April 2024
Olmsted County, in Partnership with MnDOT hosted a public meeting on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 (6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.). The meeting was held at the Rochester Montessori School (5099 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901). Project team members shared the approved geometric layout, noise study results, design details, project funding, schedule, and next steps for the interchange project. Meeting materials can be viewed below.
Press Release: CSAH 44 and TH 14 interchange project receives federal funding boost (March 12, 2024)
Open House 2 - December 2022
Olmsted County, in Partnership with MnDOT hosted a public meeting on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 (5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.). The meeting was held at the Rochester Montessori School (5099 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901). Project alternatives and additional project information were available to review and discuss with project staff.
Open House 1 - June 2022
Olmsted County, in partnership with MnDOT hosted a public meeting on Thursday, June 30, 2022 (6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.). The meeting was be held at the Rochester Montessori School (5099 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901). The meeting presentation and materials can be viewed below:

Olmsted County, in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), is planning improvements at County State Aid Highway Road (CSAH) 44 and Minnesota Trunk Highway (TH) 14. The project is studying long-term solutions that improve safety and mobility while accommodating future regional growth. Interchange options will be analyzed along with other intersection improvements that meet the purpose and need of the project.
Read the Post Bulletin article:

- CSAH 44 intersects TH 14 at a skewed angle.
- TH 14 carries 30,000 vehicles per day traveling at 65 MPH and CSAH 44 has 3,000 vehicles per day at this location.
- Intersection annually averages 10 to 13 crashes, including one recent fatality.
- Drone footage demonstrates high-risk conditions during morning peak of 7-7:30 a.m.
2-minute compilation from drone footage

9-minute compilation from drone footage

- The project will improve the regional corridor for commuters into Rochester, a regional freight route, and provide safe access to existing commercial and residential development.
- The recently completed TH 14 Corridor Analysis Project, between Rochester and Kasson, identified construction of an interchange at CSAH 44 as an immediate, short-term (5 year) improvement.
- The intersection is within the Rochester future urban growth boundary and will provide access for future growth and economic development.
- Project is identified as a need in the Long-range Transportation Plan of the Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments.
- Expected growth indicates CSAH 44 will expand to four lanes.
Project details
- An interchange option shown below came from the study (EA) done in 2008.
- This interchange option will be analyzed along with other intersection improvements to meet the purpose and need of the project.
- Design and engineering work is underway thanks to bonding support from the 2020 legislature.
- Funding for construction is still needed.