CSAH 5 & CSAH 25 Reconstruction Project

Project description: Olmsted County is leading a project to reconstruct 4 miles of CSAH 5 from CSAH 25 to US Trunk Highway 14 and 0.75 miles of CSAH 25 from CSAH 5 to CSAH 3. Design began in the spring of 2022 with public outreach in the summer/fall of 2022.
County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 5, and CSAH 25 Construction Press Release
Contractor: Borneke Construction
Project schedule:
Construction will resume in the spring of 2025.
CSAH 5 and CSAH 25 is open to traffic on a gravel surface throughout the remainder of the winter and will be closed in the spring of 2025 for completion of concrete paving and bituminous shouldering. An official detour will be provided as shown on the map below. The closure is anticipated to remain in place until final completion, which is scheduled for August 15, 2025. Residents will have access to their property throughout the duration of the project.
2024 - Construction will begin in the summer of 2024.
CSAH 5 and CSAH 25 will be closed starting June 10, 2024, and an official detour will be provided as shown on the map below. The closure is anticipated to remain in place until winter suspension, which is scheduled for November 15, 2024, weather dependent. During the winter, it is anticipated the roadways will open to traffic on a gravel surface and construction will resume in spring of 2025. Residents will have access to their property throughout the duration of the project.
Public Works contact: Transportation Construction Manager, Scott Holmes | 507-328-7060 | scott.holmes@olmstedcounty.gov