GIS & E911 addressing applications and fees
To view fee information, please use the Fee Finder tool on the Olmsted County Fee webpage and search for the fee you are inquiring about.
Preliminary plat
- Fee Schedule: Preliminary Plats GIS Impact Fees are $290.00 per plat plus $10.00 per lot/outlot
- Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant will submit the following to the Olmsted County Public Works department - GIS Division:
Preliminary Plat GIS Impact Fee form - Copy (electronic or paper) of the Preliminary Plat drawing file
- Copy of the Agency Notice for the pending plat review hearing
- GIS Impact Fees, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the above documentation the GIS Staff will verify the required fees and review the application for compliance with GIS base mapping and E911 addressing databases
- GIS Staff comments concerning the Plat will be forwarded to the Jurisdictional Authority, Engineering Firm/Consultant, or the Applicant
Final plat
- Fee Schedule: Final Plat GIS Impact Fees are $196.00 per plat plus $5.00 per lot/outlot
- Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant will submit the following to the Olmsted County Public Works department - GIS Division:
Final Plat - GIS Impact Fee Processing Form - Copy (electronic or paper) of Final Plat drawing file
- Copy of the Agency Notice for the pending Final Plat review hearing
- GIS Impact Fees, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the above documentation the GIS Staff will verify the required fees and review the application for compliance with GIS base mapping and E911 addressing databases
- GIS Staff comments concerning the Final Plat will be forwarded to the Jurisdictional Authority, Engineering Firm/Consultant, or the Applicant
See also E911 Addressing Fees & Application below for the Final Plat.
Metes & bounds
- Fee schedule: $38.00 per new parcel
- If needed, see E911 Addressing Fees & Applications
- Upon approval of Metes & Bounds, the Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant shall submit the following:
Metes and Bounds GIS Impact Application Form - A copy of the original approved Metes & Bounds application
- A copy of the Certificate of Survey and legal description
- The GIS Impact Fees payable to Olmsted County. The GIS Impact Fee for Metes & Bounds is $38.00 per new parcel, or a minimum fee of $76.00 per application. Please note each legal description on a Certificate of Survey represents a new parcel. The shifting of a lot line creates two new legal parcels which is applicable to the minimum application fee of $76.00.
E911 addressing fees and applications
Final Plat
- Fee Schedule: $112.00 per number of lots
Process for Final Plats within the City of Rochester and Dover, in addition to, all rural township areas
- Jurisdictional Authority shall submit the following:
Final Plat - E911 Address Fee Processing Form - An electronic map which illustrates the Final Plat's lots, blocks, street names, and plat name. For CIC Plats, building floor plans will also be required.
- A printed paper map with the required details is an acceptable alternative
- The Final Plat Address Fee, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the above documentation the GIS Staff will verify the required fees and review the information for compliance with the E911 addressing standards, create E911 addresses, and update Olmsted County address databases
- GIS Staff comments concerning the Final Plat’s address scheme will be forwarded to the jurisdictional authority and/or applicant
- Notification of the new addressing will be issued by GIS Staff to those agencies on the Olmsted County notification list
Process for Final Plats within City jurisdictions (except City of Rochester and City of Dover)
- Jurisdictional Authority shall submit the following:
Final Plat - E911 Address Fee Processing Form - An electronic map which illustrates the Final Plat's lots, blocks, lot addresses, street names, plat name, and date of official address release. For CIC Plats, building floor plans will also be required.
- A printed paper map with the required details is an acceptable alternative
- An electronic list of addresses organized by streets and includes lot and block numbering, and the official date for address release
- A printed paper map with the required details is an acceptable alternative
- The Final Plat Address Fee, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the above documentation the GIS Staff will verify the required fees and review the information for compliance with the E911 addressing standards, and updated Olmsted County address databases
- GIS Staff comments concerning the Final Plat’s address scheme will be forwarded to the jurisdictional authority and/or applicant
- Notification of the new addressing will be issued by GIS Staff to those agencies on the Olmsted County notification list
Individual Address request or Change of Address
- Fee Schedule: $112 per new address
- Fee Schedule: $140 per change of address
- The Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant shall submit the following:
County Address Request/Change Form with the 'To be Completed by Applicant' section completed - The Site Plan or Certificate of Survey of the property identifying structure and driveway locations
- The Address Request/Address Change Fee, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the documentation the GIS Staff will:
- Verify the required fees
- Review the submitted information
- Determine new address
- If another address authority has assigned new addresses, GIS Staff will review the address assigned for compliance to the Olmsted County E911 Address guidelines and notify the Addressing Authority when issues/concerns are created
- Notify the applicant of the new address
- Update E911 addressing database
- Notify those agencies on the Olmsted County notification list of the new address
Roadway Name Change Fee and Application
Applies to all jurisdictions inside Olmsted County
- Fee Schedule: $1,125 per roadway
- The Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant shall contact the Olmsted County Planning Dept - GIS Division as part of the initial feasibility study when seeking to change a roadway name
- If the feasibility determination is to proceed with the roadway name change, the Jurisdictional Authority or Applicant shall submit the following:
Roadway Name Change Application Form with the 'To Be Completed by Applicant' section completed - Map that clearly identifies the roadway or portion of roadway that will be affected by the name change
- List of the existing addresses that will be affected by the name change
- Copy of a Petition to Re-Name a Roadway signed by a majority of affected property owners. This petition is not required when the roadway name change has been approved or initiated by a City or Township within Olmsted County
- The Roadway Name Change fee, payable to Olmsted County
- Upon receipt of the documentation the GIS Staff will:
- Verify the required fees
- Review the submitted information
- Determine compliance to Olmsted County E911 Address guidelines and existing addressing
- Where necessary, coordinate with other Addressing Authorities when issues/concerns are created
- Approve or deny the requested change
- Determine new address
- If another address authority has assigned new addresses, GIS Staff will review the address assigned for compliance to the Olmsted County E911 Address guidelines and notify the Addressing Authority when issues/concerns are created
- Notify the affected property owners of the new addressing (except within the other addressing authorities jurisdictions)
- Update the Olmsted County E911 address and road centerline database
- Notify those agencies on the Olmsted County notification list of the new addresses and roadway name