March 2025 Newsletter (Volume 11, Issue 3)
March 2025 Newsletter (Volume 11 Issue 3)
Headlines are provided below. Click to read each story in the newsletter.

A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
March looks to be coming in like a lamb this year, which for Minnesotan’s we are always waiting for Mother Nature’s proverbial “other shoe to drop” when it comes to March weather. The point is don’t get lazy and let your guard down about difficult driving conditions. Difficult road conditions can continue into late April and sometimes even early May. This newsletter focuses on the TZD effort in our main article. Captain Parkin speaks of the inner workings of our TZD program, which includes the obvious enforcement, engineering, education, and our friends in the emergency medical fields, whether responding to the scene of a crash or in the emergency room. But the biggest and most important portion of the TZD pie is YOU, the driver, passenger, pedestrian, or bicyclist. YOU are the real key to making our roads safer in Minnesota. Always practice sober driving, non-distracted driving, and patient driving. And always be sure everyone is buckled up.
Thank you for your support as well. We do the work we need to do because YOU are worth it every day. That is why again this month you also see we are asking for people to consider employment with us as a detention or a law enforcement deputy. See the article on page 2 and click the pictures for more information.
Toward Zero Deaths
Captain Tim Parkin
The Towards Zero Deaths or “TZD” initiative started statewide in 2003.
TZD's goal is to save lives and reduce serious injuries in MN by bringing together the four "E's." Education, Enforcement, Emergency Medical/Trauma Services and Engineering.
Olmsted County Sheriff's Office's primary focus is on Enforcement. However, we participate in education opportunities and community events. OCSO joined TZD in 2005, at a time when Minnesota roadways observed 494 deaths, with 69 of those occurring in Southeastern MN. We are led by our TZD Coordinator, Michelle Ness. Deputy (Ret.) Ness sustained an injury while working a TZD shift, forcing her early retirement from patrol. Her passion for TZD enforcement has continued since becoming the TZD coordinator and she helps to reinforce our "why" for participating in this significant grant. Coordinator Ness collaborates with other entities to see what areas need law enforcement focus. For example, when areas have a high number of crashes, the TZD grant can focus enforcement shifts at those locations. In turn, OCSO's Enforcement is matched with traffic engineers who look at ways to make the roads safer, such as roundabouts, J-Turns, and cable barriers in medians.
State and federal traffic safety funds provide the funding for the grant. The financing of the grant varies each year and sometimes includes extra money for a specific focus. This was the case for speed enforcement in the last grant year. Grants in MN typically have a group or partnership.
In January, the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety recognized members of our office for their outstanding leadership and commitment to the Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) mission.
Deputy John Davis earned his first hat trick after arresting three impaired drivers in one shift. Sergeant Adam Waletzki and Corporal Nick Heimer were recognized for their overall TZD enforcement efforts in 2024. Lastly, Captain Kelly Lee, TZD Coordinator/Intelligence Analyst Michelle Ness, Waletzki, and Heimer were given certificates and mini-model TZD trucks for their efforts involving the new TZD truck.

Polar Plunge 2025
Thank you to all who plunged at the 24th Annual Rochester Polar Plunge for Special Olympics on February 7th. There were 922 brave plungers who raised over $280,920 and counting. These numbers included our team leading the way in the Law Enforcement Challenge raising over $10,000 which this year included Captain Tesmer and Deputy Malcomson as Super Plungers and ADC K9 Huey taking the plunge for the first time with Deputy Ickler! See if you can find Huey in our photo.
This event has raised over $4 MILLION in its 23-year history! And of course to all who pledged a plunger or volunteered to help with the event, you are heroes too! Thank you.
Next year is February 14th, Valentine’s Day and our 25th year. It is sure to be a special year in many ways. Save the Date now to make it a special occasion while helping the athletes and families of Special Olympics.
Check out some photos from our photographers at the Rochester Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota and the Rochester Flyers - Special Olympics Team.

Interested in Joining Our Team?
Are you interested in a career in law enforcement or do you know someone who would make a great detention deputy or deputy sheriff? The Olmsted County Sheriff's Office is committed to being an organization that we and our citizens are proud of. Our organization is one in which every customer, either internal or external, is treated as we would want one of our family members to be treated. We are an organization where all employees, regardless of rank or title, have the opportunity to contribute and grow. We are an organization where an employee can advance based upon their merits in addition to receiving recognition for their accomplishments.
Monthly snapshot: TZD Focus Areas
Captain Tim Parkin
Year |
Impaired | Distracted | Seat Belt | Speed |
Hours - Stops |
Hours - Stops | Hours - Stops | Hours - Stops | |
21-22 |
557 - 775 | 121.5 - 164 | 205 - 316 | 157.5 - 271 |
22-23 |
466.5 - 675 | 137.5 - 189 | 108 - 163 | 225 - 407 |
23-24 |
493.5 - 684 | 129.75 - 204 | 164.25 | 513.75 - 822 |
Dates of interest
March 3
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
March 4
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
March 5
Salem Township Meeting
March 6
Dover City Council Meeting
March 10
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
March 11
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
March 13
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
March 17
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
March 18
Farmington Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
March 19
Haverhill Township Meeting
March 24
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Dover Township Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
March 25
Stewartville City Council Meeting
March 27
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Director - ADC
Samantha Reps
David Adams
Andy Danielson
Macey Tesmer
Chief Deputy - LEC
James Schueller
Jon Jacobson
Kelly Lee
Ryan Mangan
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins