Paying Property Taxes
If you own property in Olmsted County, you are responsible for paying property taxes. The amount of property tax you owe is calculated by multiplying the value of your property by the total tax rate in the district where your property is located.
Online property information search
Use this to find your parcel number, property values, tax statements, and more.
Payment due dates
Real and Personal Property payment due dates:
- 05/15/2025: First half due
- 10/15/2025: Second half due
- 11/17/2025: Second half due (Agricultural Taxes)
Manufactured Home payment due dates:
- 09/02/2025: First half due
- 11/17/2025: Second half due
Property Tax payment options
Your Parcel ID number is always required with any form of payment.
Parcel ID examples:
- RP
- PP
- MH
Online payment
- Property taxes can be paid by credit card or e-check on the Olmsted County Property Information website.
- Your payment may take 7 to 10 business days to clear your bank. You are responsible for making sure that the payment has cleared and was received by Olmsted County on time
- Please verify that your account and routing numbers have been entered correctly. Olmsted County is not responsible for inaccurate information. Bank return charges will apply to any returns due to account or routing number entry errors.
- The fee for this service is 3.28% for a credit card and $3.16 for an e-check.
- The fee for e-checks over $10,000 is $17.25
- The minimum fee is $1.32
- Only current-year taxes can be paid online.
- There is a $300,000 limit on online payments.
- To pay prior year delinquent taxes, please contact the Olmsted County Property Records and Licensing department at 507-328-7635.
- Your payment is only complete when you receive a confirmation email.
Required information
- Biller/Payee Name: Olmsted County PRL
- Account Number: This is your Property ID number from your tax statement (see example above). Only enter one account number. A new payment must be set up to make a payment for an additional parcel.
- Amount Due: Payment due amount for first or second half taxes from tax statement.
- Address: PO Box 6681, Rochester MN 55903-6681
Online bill pay
- Account number: This is your Property Parcel ID Number found on your tax statement. (Only enter one account number. A new bill-pay payment must be set up to make payments for any additional parcels.
- Go to your bank's online banking portal, or visit your banking location to set up automatic bill pay for your property taxes.
- Add Olmsted County PRL to your list of bill payees.
- Biller/Payee Name: Olmsted County PRL
- Amount Due: Payment due amount for the first or second half taxes from the tax statement.
- Payee Address: PO Box 6681, Rochester MN 55903-6681
- Please Note: Your taxes are considered paid on the date we receive payment, regardless of the date you request payment from your bank. It may take between 7 and 10 days for us to receive it once your bank issues a check. Any payment received after the due date is considered late and a penalty will be added. Check with your bank to understand their policies on bill pay and any fees associated with their services.
Auto Withdraw (ACH)
Convenient and secure
Avoid late penalties by paying online
Your property tax payment will be made efficiently and on time
No need to keep track of due dates
*** Not available for mobile homes ***
- Download, print, and complete the Olmsted County ACH application
- Attach a void check or savings account slip showing your account number
- Submit the application
There are three ways that you can submit the completed application:
1. Mail the form to:
Olmsted County PRL
Revenue Department
151 4th Street SE
Rochester, MN 55904
2. Bring to our office at the address above
3. Email to: (Subject: ACH Property Tax Application)
Last day to apply for ACH payments:
- 1st Half Property Tax Payment: April 5, 2024
- 2nd Half Property Tax Payment: September 6, 2024
Forms received after these dates will automatically be signed up for the next payment cycle.
Payment withdrawal dates:
- May 10 and October 10 for commercial and residential properties
- May 10 and November 10 for agricultural properties
- If the 10 falls on a weekend or holiday, the withdrawal will be on the next business day.
The ACH Automatic Withdrawal service remains in effect until you notify Olmsted County in writing that you want it stopped.
Mail payments
1. Locate your property tax bill
You'll need to include the payment stub from your property tax bill with your payment.
2. Payment types:
We accept checks or money orders for mailed payments. Make checks out to Olmsted County
3. Mail your payment
Mail your check or money order to us, Attn: Property Records and Licensing Office at the address listed in the "Contact Us" section of this page. Remember that you should never send cash in the mail. Keep in mind that it takes 5-7 business days for the US Postal Service to deliver mail to us.
Phone payments
- If paying delinquent taxes, please contact Olmsted County at 507-328-7635 for the most current dollar amount due.
- You can pay current or delinquent tax payments with a credit card or e-check.
- The fee for this service is 3.28% for a credit card and $3.16 for an e-check.
- The fee for e-checks over $10,000 is $17.25
- The minimum fee is
- Find your Parcel ID number from your property tax statement (this is required with any form of payment).
- Call: 1-800-272-9829.
- Olmsted County's Jurisdiction number: 3336
In-person at the Olmsted County Government Center
We accept cash, check money orders, and credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) for in-person payments. Be prepared to pay a 2.15% convenience fee if you pay with a credit/debit card at the counter.
For everyone's health and safety, when you arrive, follow the posted directions. If you have questions, there will be staff available to direct you. When it is your turn, you will be called to the desk.
Drop boxes at the Government Center
Olmsted County Government Center
Property Records and Licensing
151 4th Street SE
Rochester, MN 55904
Use our property tax estimator
Property tax statement & stubs
The Property Tax Statement is mailed at the end of March each year. The statement shows the property tax you will pay for that year.
Missing your statement or stubs? If you lost your statement or payment stubs, visit our Property Information Website to print a new statement.
Attention: If you are a taxpayer with questions about your property tax statement or if you lost or did not receive your statement, please contact Olmsted County Records and Revenue at 507-328-7636.