Required Safety Information For Drivers - Solid Waste Facility Information
Welcome to the Olmsted County Environmental Resources’ Driver Training Hub, your central resource for Safety Information tailored to drivers using our Solid Waste and Recycling Facilities. Ensuring the safety of individuals utilizing our facilities is our priority. Here, you will discover information, guidelines, and best practices for those responsible for the disposal of Olmsted County's waste. Whether you are a seasoned driver or embarking on your new role as a driver, this page is your destination for staying well-informed and remaining current on safety protocols and facility-specific guidelines. The County’s resources equip you with the knowledge to navigate our waste facilities responsibly and confidently. Your safety and those around you are our concern; we are here to offer our full support.
Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility
To access the OWEF, licensed hauler vehicles must be able to mechanically elevate and discharge waste directly into the designated pit. When this equipment is activated for dumping, the vehicle's rear end must maintain an elevation of at least two (2) feet above ground level.
*Require for Class A and Class C Licensed Haulers
Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility - Required Safety Information for Drivers
Kalmar Landfill
To gain access to the Kalmar Landfill, licensed hauler vehicles must be able to mechanically elevate and unload materials in the designated working face area.
*Required for Class A and Class C Licensed Haulers and Class D Licensed Haulers who meet the requirements to elevate and unload materials mechanically.
Kalmar Landfill - Required Safety Information for Drivers
Recycling Center
Information in this presentation is intended for Class D Solid Waste Hauler License “Junk Haulers.”