Sheriff's Office Joining Law Enforcement Statewide in July for Extra Speed Patrols
The Olmsted County Sheriff's Office will be joining law enforcement statewide in July for extra speed patrols to stop this dangerous driving behavior. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety coordinates the campaign with funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. As part of this effort, we are also participating in the Highways 14 and 19 Border-to-Border (B2B) Speed Patrol Saturation on Friday, July 1.
Minnesotans are once again hitting the road for summer vacations. While many Minnesotans take driving smart seriously, some fell into poor driving habits during the COVID-19 pandemic, and those bad decisions continue as restrictions end. Speed has been a major contributing factor in significantly increasing roadway fatalities and serious injury crashes in the past couple of years. Speed is the one poor choice driving overall traffic fatalities to numbers the state hasn’t seen in more than a decade.
Watch for us as we strive to keep Minnesota roadways safe for travel for everyone.