Sheriff’s Office Newsletter - August 2021

August 2021 newsletter (Volume 7, Issue 8)
To view each of the different stories in the August 2021 newsletter (Volume 7, Issue 8), please click on the tabs below.
A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
July is over and we are now hearing people gearing up for late summer vacations and travel, kids and families readying for school and fall activities. Our family was together over the weekend and had some talk about where Thanksgiving was going to be this year as our next big get-together. Yes, we have to plan that far in advance with our crew!
Earlier this month I was again reminded of the challenges we have seen on our roads in Minnesota as well as across the country. At one point we were on pace in our state to see more traffic deaths in a year going back to 2015. A boost was noticed last year with COVID and open roads with less traffic, now roads are full and behaviors of higher than posted speed, distracted driving, impaired driving, impatience and road rage increasing. And now we are ahead of 2020 pace.
Please share with your family, friends and co-workers to plan ahead, slow down and be patient. Let’s not ruin the rest of someone else’s summer and fall activities with a needless and careless death on our roads.
We can do better Minnesota! Enjoy the dog days of summer that remain.
Covid and the ‘new’, ‘different’ Work Release Facility
Sergeant Durand Ackman/Captain Dave Adams
Not unlike other businesses in our community, Covid forced us to make necessary changes to not only operate safely but more efficiently and effectively.
March of 2020, government-mandated Covid precautions went into effect. Masks, social distancing, medical screening, temperature checks, and allowing for plenty of space/separation became the new norm. Operationally, the work release facility declined any new, admissions for fear of contagion and by April 1st ceased operations as those individuals that were already housed in the work release facility pre-Covid, finished serving their sentence. Because we were no longer housing individuals, half of the work release staff were re-assigned to the Adult Detention Center to assist with staffing levels and vacancies due to Covid. Public services that required staffing, such as public fingerprinting, gun permit renewals, video visitation and drug court testing were reimagined and became scheduled appointments to better meet Covid safety protocols. In addition, more hours of availability were added to better serve our patrons through this new scheduling option.
The biggest change came in the County’s construction and addition of a Covid friendly courtroom in the unfinished space on the 2nd floor of the work release facility. This courtroom allowed for speedy trial requests to proceed throughout the Covid pandemic in a safe environment for everyone. As Covid protocols evolve and vaccinations lessen concerns, this courtroom will still serve as much-needed space to address the backlog of cases in Olmsted County. With the addition of a new courtroom came the need for a new security screening station to ensure safety and security for those attending the court hearings and trials. Simultaneously, it doubles as added security since reopening the work release facility.
Almost a full year to the day, the work release facility re-opened as a sentencing option for the courts. Although the primary district courtrooms in the Government Center remain closed until October 1st, work release facility staff will need to process a backlog of court orders that accumulated over a year and safely admit detainees to complete their sentence. In doing so, we’ve reduced the total number of males & females that can serve at one time to ensure proper distancing. Additionally, while traditional cleaning and constant sanitation remain important, the acquisition of an Ultra-violet ‘robot’ safeguards against anything amiss.

Captain Scott Behrns, Investigations and Security Services, to Retire on August 6th
Chief Deputy Terry Waletzki
Have you seen this guy’s mugshot before? Well, you may have because Captain Scott Behrns has been our Public Information Officer for over 13 years. After 28-plus years in law enforcement, Scott has decided it’s time to retire and move on to his next venture.
Scott started his career in Law Enforcement with Owatonna Police Department in February of 1993. In July of 1996, he was hired by our Office and assigned to my Patrol Platoon. I have had the opportunity to work with Scott in various assignments throughout our careers.
Captain Behrns spent time as a Field Training Officer (FTO), DARE instructor, and a 14-year member of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU). He was the first member to be left on the team after being promoted to Sergeant
In 2006, he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant. Seeking new challenges, he transferred to the Investigations Sergeant in 2007 where he encouraged the development of Investigations and how we do things today. He wasn’t willing to stop at Sergeant and was promoted to Captain of Investigations/Government Security and Civil/Warrants Divisions in May 2013. As a Captain, Scott was involved in the research and implementation of several projects. He led our office in the implementation of Body Cameras researching and writing policies that met state mandates. A daunting task that required multiple re-writes and meetings with other departments and agencies so we could publish our policy and get public input to implement the program. After months of work, we had a BWC program. We are now on our second vendor and have a successful program.
Captain Behrns was also instrumental in implementing the safety screening station to provide improved safety to the Government Center. This required a remodel of the Government Center and new policies/procedures for all County employees. The list goes on and I’m sure Captain Behrns will be willing to talk about it at his retirement gathering.
Congratulations Scott on an outstanding career. On behalf of the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office and the Citizens of Olmsted County, thank you for your years of service!

Battle of the Badges Update
So far this community challenge has brought in 474 blood donations. We are so thankful for your participation in the challenge! The Ambulance Service is still in the lead with 194 points, followed by Law Enforcement with 168 points and Fire Department is currently in third place with 126 points.
You can learn more at: Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Program
Call 507-287-4475 to schedule your donation (hours and locations) and help Law Enforcement retain the title!

Monthly Snapshot: Sentencing Order Backlog
Captain Dave Adams
- 35 sentencing orders were backlogged during the closing of the work release facility for a year.
- Upon reopening, 16 have completed their sentence, 9 are currently in custody, and the remainder are either scheduled to report or were granted an alternative sentencing option.
Dates of Interest
Note—these are regular dates—please verify these meetings are taking place as well as the forum they’ll be held in.
August 2
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
August 3
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
August 4
Salem Township Meeting
August 5
Dover City Council Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
August 9
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
August 10
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
August 12
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
August 16
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
August 17
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
August 18
Haverhill Township Meeting
August 23
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
August 24
Byron City Council Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
August 26
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
August 30
Dover Township Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement Center
Terry Waletzki
Scott Behrns
Mike Bromberg
Jon Jacobson
Tim Parkin
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Chief Deputy of Adult Detention Center
Brian Howard
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer