Sheriff’s Office Newsletter - November 2021
Volume 7, Issue 11

November 2021 Newsletter (Volume 7, Issue 11)
To view each of the different stories in the newsletter, please click on the title below.
Note from Sheriff Torgerson
As the holiday season approaches, I’m grateful for the members of our Office and other first responders I work alongside each and every day to serve the citizens of Olmsted County. I’m proud of their dedication, their selflessness and their commitment to excellence. Their professionalism is second to none. I’m grateful as well for those who may not have chosen a career in law enforcement but are still moved to help others in need in times of crisis. It’s reassuring to see that we are surrounded by good samaritans who care and are willing to assist others.
I’m hopeful for the holidays. The Sheriff’s Office will be out with the Police Athletic League’s Shop with a Cop program, ringing bells for the Salvation Army and other activities to help those in need. I encourage you to find your own way to support those in need during this season.
Happy Retirement!
Bonnie Sawyer has been a teacher working in the ADC for 24 years. Bonnie is retiring and moving to the next chapter of her life. Bonnie helped and touched so many members of our community who were in the ADC and she will be missed! We wish you all the best, Bonnie!

Fall Awards Program
Captain Macey Tesmer
This Fall’s awards ceremony was a large event and special for many of our staff, but also for several civilians from our community who were recognized.
During this ceremony, the medal of honor was presented to Mark Anderson posthumously. Mark was a detention deputy and passed away while on duty on April 15, 2021. Mark’s medal was presented to Mark’s close friends; he will forever be missed. Five detention staff and one civilian received a medal of commendation for their response in taking care of Mark that day.
We had a large number of civilians that were recognized for good deeds that they did for other members of our community or by assisting the Sheriff’s Office during an emergency. One large group was several individuals that provided medical assistance, care and support when a little boy fell into a pond in the Stewartville area. The family was able to attend and thank those that could attend and who were honored.
Dr. Travis Einertson has been the K-9 veterinarian for over 20 years. His countless hours of caring for the K-9s and supporting their partners when in time of need earned him a medal of commendation. In addition, it also earned him the honor of having the K-9 handlers and their partners line up at attention when Dr. Einertson received his award from the Sheriff.
Another part of the awards ceremony was certificates of appointment and certificates of promotion given to new staff and newly promoted staff. Each appointment and promotion publicly took their oath of office and then had a family member come pin their badge on them symbolizing that we are all part of the same family.
We are grateful for our staff, our community partners and all the good that comes from them. The awards program gives us the opportunity to share our gratitude for them.

List of Recipients
Support Staff Appointments: Support Staff: Lisa Pelowski and Krista Weigel
Adult Detention Center (ADC) Appointments: Syron Carter, Dalton Clouse, Conner Forrest, Shane Little, Nicole Naatz, Austyn Neldner, D’Angello Williams and Austen Winter-Helgeson
Law Enforcement Center (LEC) Appointments: Trevor Hanson and Matthew Norland
ADC Promotions: Keith Gottschalk - Corporal
LEC Promotions: Josh Matti - Corporal; Brady Wolhart, Ryan Mangan and Taylor Schoenfelder - Sergeant; Lee Rossman - Lieutenant; James Schueller - Captain
Medal of Honor: Mark Anderson
Citizen Medals of Commendation: Travis Einertson and Ashley Mehring
ADC Medals of Commendation: Phil Limpert, Samantha Reps, Chris Spelhaug, Will White and Robby Worlton
LEC Medal of Commendation: Alex Sedarski
Citizen Life Saving Awards: Clara Bass, Britt Fetterly, Jordan Fetterly, Gregory Gammon, Madison Jacobson, Bjorn Johnson, Jennifer Lovstuen, Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service, Darwin Olson, Scott Ramey and Stewartville First Responders
ADC Life Saving Awards: Karen Nesler and Eddie Rayford
LEC Life Saving Awards: Jordan Anderson, Scott Baker, Mark Baron, Dylan Deruiter, Nate Heeren, Adam Hennen, Tom Olson, Brendan Rasinski, Chris Streed, Mike Strelow and Wyatt Trester
Citizen Letter of Recognition: Bryan Gary Runkle
ADC Letter of Recognition: Natalie Falls
LEC Letters of Recognition: Chris Anderson, Jordan Anderson, Scott Behrns (retired), Wade Blazejack, Sean Cooper, Rebecca Goedken, Malinda Hanson, Nick Heimer, Adam Hennen, Heather Johns, Joel Johnson, Kurt Knutsen, Josh Matti, Casey McFarlen, Steve Osborne, Jared Pankratz, Brendan Rasinski, Erik Red Hill, Corry Retzer, Adam Rinn, Jeff Salley, Taylor Schoenfelder, Alex Sedarski, Mike Strelow, Matt Swayze, Steve Thompson and Brady Wolhart
Dates of Interest
Note—these are regular dates—please verify these meetings are taking place as well as the forum they’ll be held in.
November 1
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
November 2
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
November 3
Salem Township Meeting
November 4
Dover City Council Meeting
November 8
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
November 9
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
November 11
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
November 15
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
November 16
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
November 17
Haverhill Township Meeting
November 22
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
November 23
Byron City Council Meeting
Spring Awards Program
Stewartville City Council Meeting
November 25
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
November 29
Dover Township Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement Center
Terry Waletzki
Mike Bromberg
Jon Jacobson
Tim Parkin
James Schueller
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collins
Chief Deputy of Adult Detention Center
Brian Howard
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer