Sheriff's Office Newsletter - September 2022
Volume 8, Issue 9
September 2022 Newsletter (Volume 8, Issue 9)
To view each of the different stories in the newsletter, please click on the title below.

A Note from Sheriff Torgerson
First, let me thank you all who attended the many celebrations and events this summer. It was great to see you, talk with you, share stories, and make fun memories. But as the summer is nearing the end, schools are opening and final summer vacations come to a close.
One thing that doesn’t stop or ever end is our commitment to traffic safety. In this newsletter we talk about our Towards Zero Deaths effort in Olmsted County. Our Office remains committed to your safety on our roads. This coming week in particular with the weekend holiday travelers, we are participating in an extra patrol effort through Labor Day, Monday, September 5th. Please use patience, plan ahead, put down your phone, buckle your seatbelt, and drive sober.
The Olmsted County Drug Court Program
Corporal Nelson and Deputy Refsland
What is it?
The Olmsted County Drug Court program is comprised of multiple agencies working together to assist clients through an intensive 15-month chemical dependency and cognitive health program. Most participants of this program have exhausted all traditional criminal justice options and are a presumptive prison commit.
Who is eligible to participate?
Eligibility for the program requires participants to be 18 years of age or older, a resident of Olmsted County, have committed a felony level offense, but most importantly, understand that the drug court program is strictly voluntary.
How does it work?
The participant’s risk to the community (based on their criminal history) and their needs (based on their level of chemical dependency) are evaluated at the start of the program. A plan is then put in place consisting of structured chemical dependency programs, cognitive behavioral therapy programs, case management with a focus on mental health, random drug and alcohol screening, scheduled court hearings, and frequent meetings with their probation officer. Throughout the course of the program, clients are coached and mentored in finding employment, housing, obtaining their driver’s license, and maintaining child support obligations. As well as reconnecting with their family members and positive influences in their lives, all while working towards leading a chemical free lifestyle.
Who is involved in the Program’s success?
The key professional participants are the presiding judge, the County Attorney’s Office, the Public Defenders office, Community Corrections, Social Services, multiple treatment providers, law enforcement, and community members. The Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office has been involved in the program since its inception and continues their support. Captain Mike Bromberg is a member of the Drug Court team and adds a valuable law enforcement perspective. Corporal Mark Nelson, along with the Work Release staff coordinate and facilitate the drug testing component along with lending their support and encouragement to the program participants. On average, the work release team conducts 50 urine/alcohol tests per week.
The Olmsted County Drug Court participates in several sober community events. Where professionals and participants get together for “fun” social activities such as barbeques and kick ball games. On Saturday September 10th, 2022, at 0930 is the annual Community BBQ Kick Ball event please come out and join in the fun!!

Did you come out for Night to Unite?
Thanks to everyone who participated; we enjoyed stopping by parties throughout the County and hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did! Special thanks to our sponsor, Custom Alarm!
See you next year for Night to Unite on August 1, 2023.

Drive Sober. Drive Smart. Extra Patrols August 19 - September 5
Many of us are enjoying what’s left of warm summer days. Unfortunately, too many people get caught up in the fun and lose track of how much they’ve consumed, leading to a DWI arrest or worse – a life-changing crash.
To increase awareness and keep our roadways safe, the Olmsted County Sheriff's Office has joined more than 300 agencies statewide and will participate in a DWI enforcement and education campaign in support of the Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety program. The campaign kicked off August 19 and runs through September 5. The program is coordinated by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety with funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drivers need to be aware that cold medicine, prescription medication, recently legalized THC edible products or any other drug can contribute to impairment and a DWI. Driving while impaired can lead to an arrest, or even worse, serious injury or death. Don’t take the chance. Always plan for a sober ride.
There is an easy way for us to help reduce traffic deaths on our roads – by encouraging our friends and family members to make safe choices behind the wheel. Together, we can drive Minnesota toward zero deaths.
Make a plan:
- Designate a sober driver, use a safe, alternative transportation option, or stay at the location of the celebration.
- Speak up. Offer to be a designated driver or be available to pick up a loved one anytime, anywhere. If you see an impaired person about to get behind the wheel, get them a safe ride home.
- If you plan to drive, refrain from drugs, whether legally or illegally obtained. Impaired is impaired.
- If you don't yet know how a medication will affect your judgment, coordination and reaction time, either have someone else drive or wait to take it until after you get home.
- Buckle up. It’s the best defense against impaired drivers.

Monthly Snapshot - Drug Court
Corporal Nelson and Deputy Refsland
As of March 2022:
- 84 participants have been admitted into the program
- 44 successfully graduated
- 15 discharged
- 25 active participants
Dates of Interest
September 1
Dover City Council Meeting
September 5
Oronoco Township Meeting
Pleasant Grove Township Meeting
Quincy Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
September 6
Elmira Township Meeting
High Forest Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
September 7
Salem Township Meeting
September 8
Eyota City Council Meeting
Rochester Township Meeting
September 12
Cascade Township Meeting
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Orion Township Meeting
Rock Dell Township Meeting
September 13
Byron City Council Meeting
Marion Township Meeting
New Haven Township Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
September 19
Eyota Township Meeting
Kalmar Township Meeting
Rochester City Council Meeting
September 20
Farmington Township Meeting
Olmsted County Board Meeting
Oronoco City Council Meeting
Pine Island City Council Meeting
September 21
Haverhill Township Meeting
September 22
Eyota City Council Meeting
Olmsted County Fire Meeting
Olmsted County Township Association Meeting
September 26
Chatfield City Council Meeting
Dover Township Meeting
Viola Township Meeting
September 27
Byron City Council Meeting
Stewartville City Council Meeting
Senior Administration
Kevin Torgerson
Chief Deputy of Adult Detention Center
Brian Howard
David Adams
Samantha Reps
Macey Tesmer
Chief Deputy of Law Enforcement Center
Terry Waletzki
Mike Bromberg
Jon Jacobson
Tim Parkin
James Schueller
Chris Wallace
Executive Assistant
Laura Collin