TZD Tuesday - Fall Harvest
Fall is in the air and with the cooler weather comes changing leaves, shorter days, and harvest season. It’s a busy time of year on the road with more farm equipment and the hustle and bustle of students returning to school and afterschool activities. It can be easy to become distracted when juggling work and kids, but it is important to stay alert behind the wheel to ensure everyone makes it home safely.

- Slow down and use caution when approaching farm equipment. Don’t assume the equipment operator can see you.
- Watch for debris dropped by farm equipment.
- Wait for a safe place to pass.
- Drive with headlights on.
Farm equipment operators
- Use lights and flashers to make equipment more visible.
- Use slow-moving vehicle emblems on equipment traveling less than 30 mph.
- Avoid encouraging or signaling motorists to pass. Pull over when safe and let traffic pass.
- Consider using a follow vehicle when moving equipment, especially at night.
- Pick up any debris left on the highway by the equipment.
Please remember to watch for slow-moving farm equipment. Be patient, be kind and share the road. Together, we can drive Minnesota toward zero deaths.