TZD Tuesday - Share the Road with Farm Equipment
Many of the farmers in our area are on the tail end of the planting season, but that doesn’t mean that tractors are off the roadways. It can be frustrating to follow them at what feels like a turtle’s pace, but safety should always be a priority. Farm equipment is large and heavy, making it difficult for operators to accelerate, slow down and stop. The equipment makes wide turns and can cross over the center line. Farm vehicles can also create large blind spots making it difficult for operators to see approaching vehicles.

Motorists should:
- Slow down and use caution when approaching farm equipment
- Watch for debris dropped by farm equipment
- Wait for a safe place to pass
- Drive with headlights on at all times
Farm equipment operators should:
- Use lights and flashers to make equipment more visible
- Use slow-moving vehicle emblems on equipment traveling less than 30 mph
- Consider using a follow vehicle when moving equipment, especially at night
Please remember to watch for slow-moving farm equipment all summer. Be patient, be kind, and share the road.