Update from Sentence to Serve - March
Sentence to Serve work crews are available to assist non-profit organizations
Sentence to Serve (STS) plays a key role in the functionality of our community fairs and other events. As the seasons change throughout the year, so do their roles. During the cold months of winter, STS splits wood for Chester Woods and Oxbow Park to sell at their campgrounds. In February, they assist with the setup and tear down the annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics in Rochester, and in March they help tear down Graham Arena’s three hockey arenas before helping rebuild them again in September prior to hockey season. Once spring arrives STS helps Soldiers Field in Rochester with setting up flags and chairs for several different events.

The summer months tend to be the busiest times for STS as they help set up and clean up local fairs and neighborhood events throughout Olmsted County. Viola Gopher Count, Rochesterfest, Oronoco Gold Rush, Stewartville 4th of July concert in the park, to name a few. Each event needs fencing, tables, chairs set up, and trash cleaned up.

The month of August brings the Olmsted County Fair, STS's largest event, which takes all three Crew Leaders and its crew of six detainees (assuming we have full work crews) ten days to set up. Setup includes 75 goat pens, 50 hog pens, 300 horse pens, 50 cow pens, three-show arenas, and all 13 buildings need to be cleaned before and after each event. Once the fair begins, we assist in daily tasks to keep things operating as well. Next time you attend an event like a county fair, inside or outside of Olmsted County, remember that several individuals worked very hard to make that event happen. We look forward to again assisting in the many spring and summer events happening throughout Olmsted County.