Candidate information
Interested in running for elected office? Learn more about the application process, fees and guidelines.
Current candidate filings
Campaign filing packet
The Secretary of State has a complete list of forms provided to candidates who file for office. To view the campaign filing packet, go to the Secretary of State's website.
Candidate filing periods
Before a general election, there is a two-week filing period during which candidates can submit their affidavit of candidacy to the filing officer. Prospective candidates should contact the filing officer to learn which offices will be on the ballot at the upcoming election—some offices may only be up for election every two, three, four, or six years. Special elections to fill vacancies may have filing periods of different lengths. For more information visit the Secretary of State's website.
2024 early filing period
All Federal, State, and County offices may file from May 21, 2024, until June 4, 2024, at 5 p.m.
City of Rochester, and Rochester School District are available to file during this same period. For more information, visit Running for Office at the City of Rochester's website.
2024 late filing period
Olmsted County cities and school districts, excluding Rochester, may file during the late filing period July 30, 2024, until August 13, 2024, at 5 p.m.
Where to file
Candidates for County Commissioner, County Auditor, County Treasurer, County Recorder, County Sheriff, County Attorney, Soil and Water Supervisor, and other elected county offices must file with the county auditor at the Government Center.
151 4th St. SE
Rochester, MN 55904
You may mail your affidavit of candidacy along with a check or money order for the amount of the filing fee to:
Olmsted County Election Division
151 4th St. SE
Rochester, MN 55904
It must be received (not postmarked) prior to the end of the filing period.
Candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, Secretary of State, State Senator, State Representative, and any Judicial office may file with the Secretary of State, or the county auditor of the county in which the candidate resides.
All other offices may file with their municipal clerk or school district clerk.
Candidate qualifications
All candidates
- Must be eligible to vote in Minnesota
- Must have not filed for another office at the upcoming primary or general election
- Must be 21 years of age or more upon assuming office
- Must have maintained residence in their district* for at least 30 days before the general election
- Candidates for federal office are exempt; see Additional Qualifications for Specific Offices.
Become a candidate
Candidates are placed on a ballot in Minnesota after they file for office. Go to the Secretary of State's website for a complete guide.
Filing fees
Dollar Amount or Number of signatures (5% of total number of votes cast in the municipality, ward, or other election district at the preceding general election at which that office was on the ballot)
Amount | or | Signatures | |
U.S. Senator |
$400 |
or | 2,000 |
U.S. Representative |
$300 |
or |
1,000 |
State Constitutional Offices |
$300 |
or |
2,000 |
State Senator |
$100 |
or |
500 |
State Representative |
$100 |
or |
500 |
County Offices |
$50 |
or |
500 |
Soil & Water Supervisor |
$20 |
or |
500 |
Supreme Court Judge |
$300 |
or |
2,000 |
Appeals Court Judge |
$300 |
or |
2,000 |
1st District Judge |
$300 |
or |
500 |
Lesser of the following: | |||||
Municipal offices | Amount | or | Signatures | or | Total votes cast |
1st Class Cities | $5 |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
2nd/3rd Class Cities | $5 |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
4th Class Cities | $2 |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
Charter Cities | Varies |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
Townships | $2 |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
School District Offices | $2 |
or |
500 |
or |
5% |
The City of Rochester is a charter city. Their Filing Fee is $50. For more information visit the City of Rochester's website.
Campaign sign restrictions
Zoning Ordinance 63.520 prohibits obstructions over 2 1/2 feet high to be located in the traffic visibility zone, the area adjacent to intersecting streets, and also the area next to driveway entrances.
City Ordinance 45.08 states that signs are prohibited on public property and on public right-of-ways including boulevards (the area between the public sidewalk and the street). If there is not a sidewalk in place, the average boulevard is 15 feet from the edge of the roadway. Most open ditches parallel to roadways are in the public right-of-way.
If you have any questions, call the City Public Works Department at 507-328-2400.