Advertising opportunities at Graham Park

An 8'10" X 23'11" digital message board is erected on the southwest corner of Graham Park at the intersection of 16th Street SE and South Broadway. This is one of the busiest intersections in Rochester with 23,000 vehicles passing by each day which makes it an excellent location to display an advertising message. We are set up for fourteen slide rotation with each slide running for six seconds.
The sign is available for rental by a first come first served basis and all advertising must follow the Olmsted County Advertising Policy. The cost is $140.00 per slide per week display. Messages run from Monday to Sunday. We are also offering a 5% discount for 26 week lease and a 10% discount for a 52 week lease.
- Visible to drivers, commuters, pedestrians, and long distance travelers
- Command your audience's attention at one of Rochester's busiest intersections
- Ads rotate in a slide show fashion every 6 seconds
- Change your message weekly or monthly
Please call 507-328-7070 to advertise.