State Aid Highway 21 Reconstruction Project Open House on May 30
Olmsted County held an open house on May 30, 2024, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Cascade Township Hall (2025 75th St NW Rochester, MN 55906), to inform the public more about the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 21 Reconstruction Project. A project location map is located below.
The Olmsted County Public Works Department is developing plans for the reconstruction of CSAH 21. The project, which is scheduled for construction during the summer of 2025 to summer of 2026, will include pavement removal, grading, drainage improvements, and concrete surfacing. Road improvements along with widening the existing shoulders and ditches are being proposed to improve safety and drainage. Additional right of way, along the length of the project, will need to be acquired.
At the open house there was an opportunity to review the project design, anticipated schedule, talk with county staff about the project, and provide comment.
Materials shared at the open house are posted below.

Media contact
Sue Struckmann, Support Services Supervisor
507-328-7070 or