Clinics & Testing Services
Immunization Clinic
Immunizations, or vaccines, are one of the best weapons we have against several serious diseases. They are an essential part of preventing illness. Infants, children, adults, and the elderly need certain vaccines to stay as healthy as possible.
Minnesota State Law requires all children to have certain vaccinations before attending school or have an exemption on file at their school. If you are unsure of your child's immunization record, please contact your child's school.
You can also check if you or your children are up to date on vaccinations by finding immunization records through the Minnesota Department of Health.
With the Minnesota Department of Health's Docket app, you can also have your immunization records at your fingertips.
Olmsted County Public Health Services offers vaccines at a cost that varies depending on insurance coverage and age. Please call 507-328-7500 for more information.
Clinic Hours
Please call to schedule your appointment. Please note our office is closed on all major holidays.
Available Services
- Routine childhood immunizations for age-appropriate vaccines
- Seasonal influenza vaccine
- Pneumonia vaccine
- Vaccines for uninsured college students
- Immigration (green card) vaccines
- Travel vaccines are not available with the exception of hepatitis A and B, Meningococcal, and MMR (measles, mumps and rubella).
Olmsted County Public Health Services charges an administration fee of $21 per vaccine administered. To view fee information, please use the Fee Finder tool on the Olmsted County Fee webpage and search for the fee you are inquiring about.
Example: If you are inquiring about the vaccines for a child, type “vaccines” in the search.
Please bring your insurance card when visiting the immunization clinic. Payment is accepted from Medical Assistance, Minnesota Care and Medicare (for flu shots), Blue Plus, and U-Care. We are unable to accept private insurance.
Not all vaccines are covered by insurance. OCPHS accepts Cash, American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover. A sliding fee is available for uninsured persons. Please call ahead and speak to a nurse for cost estimates and eligibility at 507-328-7500.
Vaccine Recommendations
Olmsted County Public Health provides vaccines to infants, children, adolescents, adults and older adults at a cost that varies depending on insurance coverage and age. Our staff will gladly assist you in getting the right vaccine at a cost that meets your needs.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have created easy-to-read vaccination schedules that list the age or age range when each vaccine or series of shots is recommended.
Olmsted County offers these vaccines:
- HepB: protects against hepatitis B
- HepA: protects against hepatitis A
- DTaP/Tdap: a combined vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough)
- PCV: protects against pediatric pneumococcal disease
- Polio: protects against polio, the vaccine is also known as IPV
- Seasonal Influenza: protects against influenza (flu)
- MMR: protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles)
- Meningococcal: protects against meningococcal disease (meningitis)
- Varicella: protects against varicella, also known as chickenpox
- HPV: protects against human Papillomavirus
Tuberculosis (TB) Clinic and Testing
The Olmsted County Tuberculosis Clinic was opened in 2001 and is located in the Olmsted County Public Health Services building. It is staffed by Olmsted County public health nursing and laboratory staff and Mayo Clinic physicians specializing in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment. All medical practitioners in Olmsted County are encouraged to refer patients with suspected active tuberculosis to the Olmsted County Tuberculosis Clinic for radiologic and laboratory testing and appropriate rule-out or directly observed therapy. Interpreter services are provided when needed.
These services are also available to residents of neighboring Southeastern Minnesota Counties who have contracted with Olmsted County to provide the service. Please consult with your local public health administrator to determine eligibility.
- TB testing
- Evaluation and treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI)
- Treatment of active TB disease using Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)
- Diagnosis, evaluation, and rule-out of active TB disease
- Contact investigations, testing, and follow-up of contacts
- Nursing Case Management of TB patients
Health Care Professional Information
To refer patients for evaluation of suspected active TB, or treatment of LTBI, or other patient referrals, please complete the following form and email:
Southern Minnesota County Health Department
Mayo Clinic, the Olmsted County Health Department and the Minnesota Department of Health have jointly collaborated to develop a new Southern Minnesota virtual TB consultation platform staffed by a team of multidisciplinary Mayo Clinic providers with clinical expertise in evaluating and managing LTBI and active TB.
The asynchronous virtual consultation service is free of charge and can address clinical questions related to TB for non-Olmsted county residents, including:
- Evaluation and management of active TB
- Evaluation and management of latent TB infection
- Medication intolerance / toxicity management
- Testing for TB infection
To submit a consultation, please complete the following form and send via email or fax.
- Encrypted Email:
- For MCHS providers, Public Health will send a referral form upon receipt of an encrypted email to
- For MN County Health Providers, use your standard Co Health Dept email encryption platform.
- For other MN health providers, please use Outlook email encryption or consider faxing patient information/question.
- Fax: 507-328-7501
Please allow up to 72 hours for routine/nonurgent virtual consultations to be addressed.
Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST)
An appointment is required. Call 507-328-7500 to schedule an appointment.
To view fee information, please use the Fee Finder tool on the Olmsted County Fee webpage and search for the fee you are inquiring about.
- We accept cash, American Express/Discover, Visa, and MasterCard as well as Medical Assistance, Minnesota Care, U-Care, and Medica as payment for skin tests and IGRA tests.
- We are unable to accept private insurance.
- To refer patients for evaluation of suspected active TB, or treatment of LTBI, or other patient referrals, please call 507-328-7500 or email:
Learn more about protecting your family and community from Tuberculosis.