Frequently asked questions for veterans

How do I contact the Olmsted County Veteran Services office?
We are available in person, by phone, or via email. Visit our department page for our contact information.
What is the phone number for the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis?
The Minneapolis VA Medical Center's phone number is 866-414-5058. Website is Minneapolis VAMC. To contact the Rochester VA Clinic, please call 507-252-0885.
What am I eligible for?
Every veteran is unique. Call for an appointment and bring along your DD-214 (discharge papers) to go over possible benefits. Visit our department page for our contact information.
How can I get a copy of my DD-214 or discharge papers?
Contact our office. We will check with the county, state, or national archives in St. Louis. Visit our department page for our contact information.
What educational benefits that I or my dependents be eligible for?
Contact Mark Larsen, MDVA SE Regional Coordinator
Rochester Community & Technical College
851 30th Avenue SE, EA 115
Rochester MN 55904
Phone: 507-779-9375 or Email Mark Larsen
Mark Larsen is also able to assist with State Education Benefits and GI Bill (All Chapters).
How can I get my medications through the VAMC?
You need to be enrolled as a patient and have a VAMC physician write the prescription. Call for an appointment to see if you are eligible for enrollment. Visit our department page for our contact information.
Where can I get a home loan certificate?
You can obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) through your account on eBenefits. If you do not have an account, register for one at eBenefits. The Certificate of Eligibility verifies to the lender that you are eligible for a VA-backed loan. Your lender is also able to get the Certificate of Eligibility online at or we can fill out the application and mail it in for you.
Am I eligible for burial at a state cemetery?
Burial is open to all veterans discharged from active military service under conditions other than dishonorable. See the Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery website for additional information, their brochure, and the Pre-Registration form.
I served In-Country Vietnam and have been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2; can I file a claim for disability?
Yes, Diabetes Type 2 is on the presumptive list as a disease presumed to be due to exposure to Agent Orange used in Vietnam. Contact your County Veteran Services Office and file a claim for the service-connected disability. The entire list of presumptive diseases is available on the Department of Veterans Affairs website.