Helpful links for veterans

How do I know if I should make an appointment for my questions and concerns?
You can email or call our office for guidance at or 507-328-6356.
Are you living in another county and looking for your county Veteran Services Office?
Find your county Veteran Services Office.
Learn more about what a Veteran Services Officer (VSO) can do for you.
Check out the Veteran benefits overview page.
If possible, have the following information ready.
- Copy of DD214
- Proof of residency (MN driver's license / ID card, voter registration card, rent receipt, utility bill)
- You should be prepared to answer the following questions: Date of Birth, Social Security Number
- If married: Date of Marriage, Spouse's Name, Spouse's Date of Birth, Spouse's Social Security Number
- If you have children under the age of 18: Children's Full Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number
Additional veteran information
Other helpful links
MN Department of Veterans Affairs
- Link to Commissioner's Office
- Information on state veteran programs
MN Disabled American Veterans
- Information about the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), including Chapter & Unit Information
- A complete listing of County Veterans Service Officers, along with each counties hospital transportation schedule
- DAV Special Programs
- Federal & State Veteran's Legislation
- Information on Veteran's Employment
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
- Online Applications
- Misc. Veterans Information
CPT James Ahn Memorial Scholarship
- Former Special Forces Service Member
- Full time student pursuing degree/certification completion at an accredited post secondary institution including graduate school, university, college, community college, or vocational/technical institution.
- Applications for the 2024 Academic year are due by June 1, 2024.
Disabled American Veterans
- A nonprofit organization of more than one million veterans disabled during time of war or armed conflict.
- An online guide to Federal loans of all kinds, created by Federal agencies.
- The official government benefits Website.
Gulf War Link
- Medical information for Gulf War veterans. From the US Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses.
Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers
- The Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers is a nonprofit educational and professional organization through which Minnesota's Veterans Service Officers help each other to do better job of advocacy and claims work for veterans.
Minnesota Bill Information
- The full text of bills, resolutions, and constitutional amendments, and their status, history, votes, analysis, and veto messages.
Minnesota Help Info
- Help in navigating over 10,000 agencies in Minnesota.
Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs
- Our Mission: To confer and administer the benefits provided by a grateful State of California to its deserving veterans and their dependents.
National Archives and Records Administration
- The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
National Assn of County Veterans Service Officers
- NACVSO's membership will actively promote the rights of veterans and dependents of the United States through a progressive legislative platform. We will work collaboratively with the Department of Veterans Affairs and other nationally chartered veterans organizations to assure that veterans and their dependents receive the entitlements they deserve for the sacrifices they endured.
The American Legion
The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans organization.
- TRICARE is a regionally managed health care program for active duty and retired members of the uniformed services, their families, and survivors.
US Veterans Administration
- Full information on VA services and benefits.
VA Loans
- Comprehensive consumer guide on housing and mortgages for veterans and active military.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Has a rich tradition in enhancing the lives of millions through its community service programs and special projects. From providing free phone cards to our nation's active-duty military personnel to raising money for the World War II memorial, the VFW is there, "honoring the dead by helping the living."