Steps to become a licensed family child care provider
1. Attend a family child care licensing orientation class
The first step is to attend a required orientation class. This class is held on the first Tuesday of every month. No registration is required, and doors are open from 5:40 - 6 p.m. Please do not be late, as here is no entry after 6 p.m.
Upcoming orientation classes held 6-9 p.m. for the following dates:
- July 2, 2024
- August 6, 2024
- September 3, 2024
- October 1, 2024
- November 5, 2024
- December 3, 2024
2117 Campus Drive SE
Room 161
Rochester, MN 55904
- There is no childcare available during these classes. Please do not bring children with you to the class.
- If school or after school activities in Rochester are canceled due to bad weather or other reasons, this class is canceled as well.
- If the first Tuesday falls on a legal holiday, check the schedule for an alternative orientation date.
2. Get the required pre-service training
- First Aid Training.
- Infant/child CPR training.
- Sudden Unexpected Infant Death.
- Abusive Head Trauma.
- Child Development and Learning and Behavior Guidance (4 hours).
- Supervising for Safety (6-hour in-person class or 8-hour online class).
- Child Passenger Restraint Systems training (required prior to transporting children).
3. Complete & return the application packet with the license fee
Remember you will need to provide the contact information of three (3) references. You also must provide proof that you have successfully completed the required pre-service training courses.
Complete and return the application packet, any other forms that you received during the orientation class, and the licensing fee to:
Childcare Licensing
2117 Campus Drive SE
Suite 200
Rochester, MN 55904
License fee: $50 by check or money order. (Sorry, Olmsted County does not accept credit card payments.) This fee is non-refundable.
4. Pass background studies
Background studies will be completed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. All household members and people who work in your childcare program are required to have a background study.
- Adults (ages 18 and up) and helpers (ages 13 -17) will have a fingerprint-based background study completed. The fee is $49.10 per person ($40 for the study plus a fingerprinting fee of $9.10).
- Most children (ages 13 – 17) will have a name only background study. The fee is $20 person.
- Your licensor will notify you of what you need to do to complete the background study process after your application is received.
5. Pass a home inspection
At the orientation class you will receive information about the licensing requirements needed for your home. After you submit your application, a childcare licensor will contact you to schedule a home inspection.
Upon the completion of all paperwork, all background studies, three references on file, and the home in total compliance a license may be issued to you.