The Olmsted County Surveying team provides professional surveying services for the Olmsted County Public Works department and other county agencies. We recover and maintain the PLSS (Public Land Survey System) corners along with providing horizontal control, aerial photography, and surveying record maintenance.
The Olmsted County Surveying team does not perform surveys of private land.
Please contact a private licensed land surveyor if you require a survey of your property.
Olmsted County Surveyor: Eric Stennes 507-328-7055
Plat checking fees:
Plat checking fees for all subdivision plats, Registered Land Surveys (RLS), and Common Interest Community (CIC) plats are as follows:
$300 per plat plus an additional $25 for each lot/outlot, tract, or unit.
We require the correct fee to be paid when the plat is submitted before review will begin.
Title Commitment/Title Opinion:
Olmsted County requires a title commitment or title opinion to be submitted with every subdivision plat subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505.
Plat manuals:
- Adopted by Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS) and Minnesota Association of County Surveyors (MACS) in December 2009.
- Adopted by Minnesota Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS) and Minnesota Association of County Surveyors (MACS) in February 2015.
22" by 34" hardcopies of recorded plats can be purchased for $5 at Olmsted County Public Works Service Center - 1188 50th Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904.
Plat books:
May be purchased for $35 plus tax at these locations:
Public Works Service Center - 1188 50th Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904
Olmsted County Environmental Resources - 2122 Campus Drive SE, Suite 200, Rochester, MN 55904
Property Records and Licensing (Government Center) - 151 4th Street SE, Rochester, MN 55904
Subdivision plat search
These plats are scanned images of the originals. If you are unable to read a plat, the original may be viewed at the County Recorder's Office at the Government Center on the 1st Floor. Please notify the Olmsted County Surveying team of any errors or problems you are having with these pages.
Private licensed land surveyors
The following is a list of Olmsted County area land surveyors for your private surveying needs:
Bolton & Menk 507-208-4332
G-Cubed 507-867-1666 ext. 5
Johnson & Scofield 800-736-0585
Nolte's Land Surveying 507-421-5427
Rapp Land Surveying 612-532-1263
Schwarz Surveying 507-251-9812
SEH 507-288-6464
Thoreson Land Surveying 507-932-8576
WHKS 507-288-3923
Widseth 507-292-8743
WSB 507-218-3745
WSE Massey 507-634-4505