Child/Adult ratios and age restrictions
MN Rule, Parts 9502.300 to 9502.0445
Explanation of age groups:
- Infants = 6 weeks to 12 months
- Toddler (Class A, C1, C2, or C3) = 12 months to 24 months
- Toddler (Class B1, B2, or D) = 12 months to 30 months
- Preschooler (Class A, C1, C2, or C3) = 24 months up to age 5
- Preschooler (Class B1, B2, or D) = 30 months up to age 5
- School Age = At least five years of age but younger than eleven years of age
License capacity includes all children under age 11
Child/Adult ratios and age restrictions
Regular family day care
Class: A
- License Capacity: 10
- Adults: 1
- Total children under school age: 6
- Infants/Toddlers: Of the total children under school age, combined total of no more than three shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than two shall be infants.
Specialized infant and toddler family day care
Class: B1
- License Capacity: 5
- Adults: 1
- Total children under school age: 3
- Infants/Toddlers: No more than three shall be infants.
Class: B2
- License Capacity: 6
- Adults: 1
- Total children under school age: 4
- Infants/Toddlers: No more than two shall be infants.
Regular group family day care
Class: C1
- License Capacity: 10
- Adults: 1
- Total children under school age: 8
- Infants/Toddlers: Of the total children under school age, no more than three shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than two shall be infants.
Class: C2
- License Capacity: 12
- Adults: 1
- Total children under school age: 10
- Infants/Toddlers: Of the total children under school age, no more than two shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than one shall be an infant.
Class: C3
- License Capacity: 14
- Adults: 2
- Total children under school age: 10 (A helper may be used in place of a second caregiver when there is no more than one toddler or infant present.)
- Infants/Toddlers: Of the total children under school age, a combined total of no more than four shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than three shall be infants.
Specialized infant and toddler group family day care
Class: D
- License Capacity: 9
- Adults: 2
- Total children under school age: 7 (Both caregivers shall be adults.)
- Infants/Toddlers: Of the total children, no more than four shall be infants. (Up to four infants or up to seven toddlers plus two school age).