Kalmar Landfill
Holiday closing
Monday, February 17, 2025 - Facility closed in observance of Presidents Day.
Address: 7401 19th Street NW, Rochester, MN 55901
Phone: 507-328-7346
Landfill hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Department office hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Email: pwservice@olmstedcounty.gov
Olmsted County's Kalmar Landfill is located between Rochester and Byron at 7401 19th Street NW, Rochester, Minnesota. The natural geology below the Kalmar site provides an ideal location for a landfill.
Three types of cells have been constructed to contain waste primarily from licensed or registered haulers:
- Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MMSW) Cell - Consists of four feet of compacted clay, topped with a 60 mil. high-density polyethylene plastic liner, and a leachate collection system. This cell was constructed to contain commercial and residential garbage transferred or "by-passed" to the landfill when the Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility (OWEF) is performing scheduled maintenance, experiencing garbage overruns, or receives MMSW that cannot be processed at the OWEF. MMSW from residences must be taken to the Olmsted County Recycling Center Plus located at 305 Energy Parkway NE in Rochester.
- Ash - Consists of a three-foot compacted clay barrier layer, a 60 mil. high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic liner, an additional 2.5 foot compacted clay barrier layer, another 60 mil. HDPE liner and a leachate collection system on top of the existing natural clay. Only ash from the combustion resulting from the OWEF operations, ash from the Mayo medical waste incinerator, and coal ash from the local utility are accepted.
- Construction and Demolition Debris Cell - Constructed using the existing clay on the site as a natural barrier. Only construction and demolition materials from buildings, roads, and other man-made structures including concrete, brick, bituminous, untreated wood, masonry, glass, rock, and plastic building parts are accepted (see below for list). Asbestos cannot be disposed of with demolition materials, please see information on wastes.
Please note - All loads being delivered to the landfill must be covered and contained. Any person determined to be responsible for debris or liquids on the road rights-of-way shall be liable for the costs of removal thereof.